So I had heard several friends talk about this site being pretty fucked to the models recently. Something like success going to the head and treating models like crap. And selling archived content to serious hardcore sites. Since I personnally know someone this happened to, and know they are pretty upset about it. I am posting to see what kind of feedback I can...
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No really. Apparently knowing what someone is lying to you about and what they are dishonest about somehow lends credibility that they are being honest about everything else. So now you trust them more? Like now you know what the are deceiving you about so you can stop worrying about how they are going to betray you?

Can anyone explain that to me? It is...
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Yeah, it is insane but literally every person I know is talking about how they are lying to keep their relationship together. It is fucking crazy. I just completely don't grasp how kowing the person is being completely dishonest with you, and you are completely dishonest with them is somehow a relationship. I think it is just time to move on.

Maybe I need new...
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So, 'talking' about things makes them a bit more real for me and helps me work things out in my head. Ordering the thoughts into words and pushing them down onto the paper/screen/keyboard.
A close friend of 10+ years passed away on Monday. I just got the details this morning. Siezures, unconsciousness, sky-rocketing body temperature, his body just burned out.
It is the first friend...
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and the month posting smile

I upgraded my computer and so now I think I qualify for being a geek, if a 6'5" 260lb part time boxer who is learning to play bass guitar can be a geek.

I guess bass players are just odd so that definitely fits me.
Really got a whole new computer and just transferred my hard drives and some other minor...
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terminally clueless. lol. Have you ever been doing or going someplace for a while, and you have your assumptions and your judgements. The point of view you carry with you that filters everything. And then someone casually tells you something that is the swift kick to the frame, and the picture falls out glass crashing onto the floor shattering into a billion pieces? And everything...
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So I guess once a month is the standard. My friend and I (its a theme get over it) went to dinner for my birthday as planned and it was awesome. food was incredible, she encouraged me to get a little drunk and mixed alchohols on me... not nice. Started with a nice 20 yead old scotch (it was too nice a place to ask...
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Hey, you requested me and you have never talked to me..........you should.
I will, but I just scanned through to see people who looked interesting smile don't have much time to do stuff like this. And I thought you needed to be friends to comment?
well, long time no, post. My friend (see below) and I are talking on the phone, but she is still "so busy" that the only time she has asked me to hang out just happened to be with her brother at the very last minute on a night she knows I have bass practice. So i couldn't....
Now, it seems that the first time I...
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So, it took almost 3 months for her to talk to me and it was a birthday wish that got her to call me back. Apparently between work and a crazy school schedule and insanity at work, she just couldn't deal with this. Didn't realize until 2 weeks after her B-day that she didn't get the flowers I sent because she moved offices (part of...
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So what a fucking month and a half and not a damn word from my best friend of 10 goddamn years. I at least deserve a fuck you, we're over. I never want to see you again fucking something.
I have left a couple of messages. Nothing drunk or late. Just two with the last one being "at least let me know what is going...
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Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
No she still hasn't talked to me. No I haven't tried to get in touch.. but it is getting to be time.

Anyway I am heading out dancing tonight to vent some frustration. Where there will certainly be drama that I will have to ignore or manage. But I need to dance and sweat like a fool. It's healthy, and maybe I'll meet some nice...
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Well, I called her to apologize for the completely inappropriate behavior. What I didn't post in the last message was that she called me around half way through the post finding out where I was and thanking me for leaving her keys. Apparently she looked for me for like 45 minutes. Also, my voice/response gave away that I was pissed, but she didn't ask why...
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