interesting how 3 out of 5 of my most looked at SG's are no longer active on the site. this makes me re-evaulate some things.
out with the old, in with the new?
i dont know, ive always been one to find true the old addage 'oldies but goodies' perhaps 'besties' anyway. that kind of sucks.

ive lost my coffee and cant seem to locate...
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horror movies that you must see: evil dead, evil dead 2, dead alive, the original texas chainsaw massacre, the first dawn of the dead, juon (japenese and incredibly creepy), and some new ones that arent so bad: resident evil (the first one), the remake of dawn of the dead, and shaun of the dead (simply because it's frigging hilarious).

anyways, i was bored and reading these blog things. xo

shit man.

things are going no where and fast. i feel like im scrabbling up some muddy hillside and keep slipping.
i need to get the fuck out of maine.

the fall is looking exciting though. many shows to work. and see. some vacations. apple cider. salem at halloween. moving. sewing. making beats.

i really have nothing to say.. whenever i get on...
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even though i loathe the mornings...pulling myself up and out of bed, especially when the nights have been so cool with perfect sleeping weather, i find the only solace i see alllllll day is while im walking to work at 7am. down cumberland aveune. up to congress.. across monument sq. under the shade of the trees. the skies have been enormous and beautiful. its been...
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I found May to be largely overrated as well

Lions Gate has a tendency to put out movies not because they're good, but because they shock in some way.....
I love the fall in Portland. I can't wait for it. I'm always late for everything because I walk, and my friends don't get why I don't drive.
i'm laundering and have some moments.

things have been. mediocre at best. lately, ive been finding myself more and more just staring into blank spaces and laying in bed, wasting time.
completely WASTING time.
masturbation has even become a chore.

last night - went to geno's got completely drunk with a new friend.. they have one of the best juke boxes in town.
today -...
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Coffee or a walk with someone would be a nice change of pace...

drop me an email and I'll give you a phone number you can get in touch with me on (I'd just leave it for you here but since its my roommates cell phone I probably shouldnt go putting it up all over the internet)

crippledmcgimp@hotmail.com OR

either will work...

my schedual is open basically... Roommates gone for the week so social interaction even for an hour or so would be golden
hmm genos is good eh.. i walk by it daily but never have stopped in. maybe next time.
WARNING: time low. you have 10 minutes.....

lets see how far this gets me.

not much - heh- has really been going on. last week over a beer with kathy, i decided to quit my second job and enjoy what little time i have during the nights to get in my summer in maine. since it only lasts for about 2 months. no more shitty...
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its been a whole lot of psylocybin in the past few days.. mind spins visit frequent.. i just feel like i have a bad sour taste left in my mouth after consuming my mind.
or maybe it was my mind consuming me. either way. terrible. in some ways...

its verywarm outside... humid mostly and im sitting here in my towel after the coldest shower ive had all year contemplating when my skin will stop its tingle from the super epidermal cleansing peppermint soap i used... the sky has been really incredible for the past 2 days.. yesterday the clouds were breaking but still blanketing part of town.. i took a walk and...
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holy guacamole.

im going to be spending the weekend in boston with one of the most loveliest people i know.
im so excited i could scream.
and i have. several times.

but now, laundry awaits.

not enough water.
hung over.
waking late.
room mate bailed out of jail?
walk to coffee.
realizations... so so many realizations as i
sat at that
in the back.
dripping my souls ink onto the pages...

home to beer can annihilation...
drive thru back roads.
get stoned.

sit here. for 3 hours. waiting.

its americas birthday.
a mere toddler in the game at...
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((coffeehouse poetry reading snap 'applause'))
ok. so im having this really wonderful morning... i got up, went swimming.. had coffee... smoked some smokes.. drove to the parents house while blasting bjork down route one.. dancing in my seat all the while.. so i get here, put in a load of laundry and check my email. and there it is.
one from him
the dreaded ex.
so...we've been seperated for... about...
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us guys are just psychotic I guess. Some more than others. Sigh. Hope things get better for you.

It's Portland, the weather's nice, at least you got that this weekend. smile
im at work.
its.... not even 11 yet and already we've consumed 2 pints.
i love this job.
and my manager is hothothot so that makes things easier (on the eyes anyway)
so... i have next week off.
anyone wanna... do stuff? coffee? beer? walk? talk? take photos of me to submit?
heh. either way....
lemme know.
