Hi all been a long time sinced i blogged!

alls well just been working and hanging with mates! one my mates just happend to get a tattoo machone! i just happened to get too but siad machine! still a bit mankey when it's healed i will take a pic and post it up in it full glory!! till then have a gooden smile
Hullo all!

how are we? alot of thing's have happend's since i last blogged mostly good smile. sort getting a lot of work and doing well! no new lady but im happy as im am for a while i think! just enjoying being arnoud my mate's and doing what i use to do just having plain silly if not stuiped fun! ihope ya all well...
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hulo all

all long time now bloged been busy with the world cup and playing footie my self (must stop playing near on killed my self today lol) nothing much has happened with me lately im still looking for a job and im stil single which im more happy with at the moment! i can't be dealing with a relasobship at the moment! well soon...
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hi all

hmmm 23 now happy birth day to me! lol smile
happy birthday!
Thank you for your lovely comment on my set! kiss