It's been forever since I've blogged again! But it has been the hardest month of my life so I have good reason.
I recently lost my pop-pop whom I was extremly close with. I had to drive up to PA as he was passing. At least I got to say good bye, but was soooooo hard. I still am just mind fucked and heart broken. The world lost a great man and I lost one of my favorite men. My pop was 89, stubborn Italian man that dropped out of a plane on d-day. He lived a long life and seen so much but selfishly I want him back. My dad had him cremated and got me and my brothers each a necklace with some of his ashes in it. It makes me comforted to know I have him with me all the time. My brothers got crosses and I got a turquoise tear drop
There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of him. I know with time it will get easier, but I don't think there will ever be a day that goes by for the rest of my life that I won't think and miss my pop-pop.
Ok. Sorry for such a Debbie Downer blog lol. I did get a little ink therapy to help ease my heart a bit. Got a new addition to my in progress leg sleeve from knee to shin
Nice little traditional anchor. Thatz right baby Holdin' It Down! Next will be the knee, fun fun! I tell you what a leg sleeve seems easier and faster to fill then an arm sleeve. Super stoked!
Well I hope everyone out there in SGland has had a better month then me and enjoying this beautiful spring weather (if you have it lol)
Peace Love and Chicken Grease Mother Fuckers!