I have gotten to know this wonderful human as much as one can online over the last couple of years and I can say she is by far my favorite hopeful on here. From our little chats to our online gaming sessions she is one of the sweetest people I know, and she can take out the bad guys a lot better than I can....
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Love youuuuuu xoxox YOU are the best!!!! โค๏ธ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ

We weren't so good together. Took me way too long to realize it. All she was doing was using me and I fell right in. Learn from your mistakes and all that.

Flash forward to the present. I have been promoted and am running my own store now. I met the most amazing woman in the world and she shows me every day what I...
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Nice ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Couldn't sleep last night. This move to a new apartment in a couple days is getting to me. I have this nagging feeling in the back of my mind that once I move out she's going to end things and leave me on my own again. I know that's not true, but still...

I wanted her so very badly last night. Was really the main...
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Not much to say about the last couple of days. Girlfriend has been sick and in my efforts to take care of her I have been reminded that I need to be working on myself and not to worry about her. Not the easiest thing to do.

New meds seem to be helping somewhat. Still have a couple weeks for them to fully take effect...
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Boy did yesterday kind of get away from me. Was in a pretty somber mood for most of the day, not sure if it was the new meds or just the fact that I don't like my communications teacher and I walked blindly into a test in class yesterday. Then, after a decently uneventful day at work, one of my coworkers straight went off on...
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It's been a while since I have written anything on here. Things have changed since the last time I wrote. I've transferred to a new location, had a girlfriend that was no good for me, and found the love of my life all within the span of about six months. Of course things would have to go downhill from there.

The current girlfriend and I...
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It's been a while, really.

I finally found full-time employment and it has been one of the best jobs I have had in years. But, and there's always a but, I have found that balancing full-time school with a 50+ hour a week job is quite difficult. I'm still at it though, and things might be looking a bit brighter.

Now answer me this, why...
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It's been quite a while since I've visited these parts, mainly because I've been busy with school and nobody really reads these anyway.

Fall term finished this past Wednesday so I now have a month of nothing to do except continue to look for work. There has to be somethng out there, right?

Planning a trip up north to visit my family over Christmas. This...
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Long time....

Mind has been blank lately, haven't been able to come up with much to write about. School is going well, life is decent, finally have my bills paid up. I guess that's pretty much what has been going on.

Had to replace my PS3 a couple weeks ago due to the yellow light of death on my old system. Irritating but I didn't...
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Haven't really said much lately. Haven't been in the mood.

Things are going well for the moment, which is a change from normal. Had my unemployment benefits run out and they took their time starting up the extention so while everything else is going well, I'm waaaaaaay behind on my bills. Expect to have them all straightened out and caught up by the end of...
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My PS3 died on me tonight.

Not looking forward to that repair bill....

End of line....
Crap my ps3 died a while back too =(
What happened with yours?