
Yup yup snoop just had a meeting here today. Pretty kick ass. I went outside for a cig and he was out there talking to some of our producers, minus bodyguards (i heard they got arrested last night). Anyways snoop is a really really tall skinny guy and drives a blue porsche.

And he doesn't smoke cigs smile
I'm a bit late getting into Snoop, liked the last couple of singles a lot and will have to check out some albums... recommendations???
That is pretty damn cool. My buddy just saw him in concert and said the same thing, minus the porsche.

Glad to hear everything is going good.
Oh yah! I think I had a fucking panic attack last night. I don't know what it was but it sucked ass. About 3:00 in the morning my mind was racing and while that's nothing new, what was strange was I couldn't control it at all! I was extremely fidgety and wanted to walk outside but couldn't get myself to do it. I was practically...
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scarier than a 10ton lifting, 80mph woman? Same thing but with PMS wink

your panic attack sounds familiar, I've been having summats similar over the past couple of months, stress related of course. Less than four months since I spent a day in casualty with a suspected heart attack, all brought on by stress and working too hard. Luckily nothing wrong but still frown

Manchester: it continues to piss on my strawberries. I applied to a college course there to do a degree in furniture design waaaay back and failed to get on the course; the modelmaking course here I ended up doing was my second choice, not sure if the end result was the best one but what the hell smile These days it seems only to exist as a place where there's a lot of development going on so we're building a lot of models, and some poor bastard has to deliver & install them... the bonus, I suppose, is that it's a 12 hour day's pay for just sitting in a van with 20mins heavy lifting, but it's no less boring for that....

and as for T3.... yeah, now that the final trailers are being shown, it actually looks like it could be pretty damn good. the Terminator films are my favourite SF flicks, saw T2 7 times at the cinema alone, god knows how often on DVD... was fully prepared for T3 to suck but it looks like they've thrown enough cash at it to at least have the look right, and with Stan Winston and ILM doing the effects at least half the battle's won. But Jim Cameron's missing and the story could be poop, so the jury's out till then... but I don't think we get it here till August, no fair frown
Ever feel like you've turned into an extremely boring person?

I do right now. I need to change that very very soon. I feel like I'm always stuck in a cube. I work in a cube, my apartment is a cube and I feel like people are closing in on me and suffocating me. Fuck that. Like my friend Beth used to say, I'm Audi...
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tell me you don't have a gamecube, too wink

I know exactly what you mean - I find myself in a position where it seems all my old friends don't want/can't go out any more and I'm at that point in life where wandering into bars on my own to see if anyone interesting is around jsut feels like the start of a slippery slope... you need to come to the UK again... or maybe I need to go over there...
I got up at 5am this morning so I can work early and get out at 2:30. I have to take one of my Guinea Pigs to the vet. Yesterday morning I looked in the the cage and Gordon was squeaking for food instead of Ralphy, which is unusual. Ralphy usually squeaks and so I know something is wrong if Gordon is begging for food....
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Fingers crossed for Ralphy... funnily enuff that ws the name of my little brother's rat who I mentioned last week... though not that funny as one's a rat, t'other's a guinea pig.

(I'll shut up now)
10 thoughts

I hate working in a cube. It's destroying me. My left eye twitches. Man is not made for this and I'm particularly pained by this kind of work.

Netflix is awesome. 20 bucks, 3 discs at a time. no shipping. No late charges. I rent the stupidest movies. Currently I'm on a B horror movie trip and all the Cronenberg movies I can...
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Geek Love rulz!

My dad always has 3 or 4 El Caminos around... gotta love 'em.
dood, 89 years old! us old timers gotta stick together on these smut sites. my dentures hurt.

sincerely, gordan 65
This past week has been nuts. Saturday I had a very very long talk with my girlfriend and we both decided to go 100 percent all out. We decided to sell all our shit, move in with my mom for a few months and save money. In September we're gonna buy a couple of tickets to Scotland and see how we can live there.

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Here, fill this out... it's pretty junior high school but what the hell.

Reason for sg username:
Aim sn:
Reason for aim sn:
Do you enjoy reading my journal?:
Interesting fact about you:
Weird fact about you:
Will you post this in your journal?:
If you saw me out in the streets would you say hi?:

Here's one I filled out from...
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I just had one of those weekends where everything happened so quickly I don't know what happened and when.

So I came home after work on Friday and thought I was gonna do nothing this weekend because my friends ditched me to go to Vegas - wrong. They called me just when I got home and said I had 5 minutes to get ready, they...
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I dropped my girlfriend off at the airport last night. She's going home until Tuesday. I thought I was going to Vegas with some friends but they all decided to leave this morning to beat traffic.

So now what? I'm alone, I'm never alone. I don't know what to do with myself. I need a roomate until Tuesday hehe. Actually I can get some things...
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Since I moved I have become the expert loner. I just work out and read books or comics to pass the time.

If you feel adventuresome go someplace and just hang out for the day. Make it some place you have not been too or been for a while. Go see a movie and have dinner...that always kills a lot of time.
I work right by the train tracks and whenever they go by the building shakes. You know what it's like to have the building shake every hour when you live in earthquake country and your nerves are shot?

Ugh needs cigs and coffee. Welp coffee at least.

Maybe some alcohol
I do like the Mighty Ducks smile I'm pretty much a hockey fan - there's very few teams that I dislike... but well, you gotta chose one and the Devils have got most of my favourite players biggrin

Cherry xox
"and your nerves are shot?"

dude, maybe coffee isn't the best idea. tongue