Title: The Universe According to Raven (My Roommate)

Raven and I were having a strange discussion a couple of nights ago. I was talking to Raven about my job search and how much it was sucking ass. As usual, Raven tried to downplay it. Though I admit that his luck is much worse, it doesn't give him the right to pooh-pooh it outright.

But then...
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Title: Hidden

I'm not feeling too good today. Nor yesterday. Fact is, I slept through half the day, missed our usual weekly game of D&D.

I might be getting sick of it.

However, I did wake up, and I was bored out of my mind. I thought I would visit my roommate (Raven) at The Sentry Box. I thought it would kill some time, and...
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I know who that was. There's more of us around than you think.
Title: 'Tongue' and Cheek

After my last emo fest that was my journal, I hit an all time low this month.

I wanted to be alone. Shut myself away and be alone. But you know what happened instead?

My roommate invited guests. I found out about it when two teenage girls were camped at my doorstep two hours before my roommate was destined to arrive...
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No need to ask.
He's a smooth operator,
smooth operator,
smooth operator,
smooth operator.

Coast to coast, LA to Chicago, western male.
Across the north and south, to Key Largo, love for sale.

Sade rul3z
Holy shit your entry in the collab fiction group was good.

Title: Cursed to be Emotional.

The last few days have been rather dull and depressing, with sporatic patches of apathy. It's like i've given up altogether on amibition.

The videogame scheme? Just a quick buck. I'll still try it though.

But I have given up on a job search. The way I see it, I should have received something by now. Something good. Anything other...
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Title: No Time For Schemes

I had a decent afternoon yesterday. Played my roommate's Heroes Unlimited game. The superhero group barged through a police line, then an army line, brought down a Cobra helicopter and avoided infantry squads just to get at the evil alien (whom at the time was happily popping choppers like popcorn).

We established a few things:
-Combatwise, we are well balanced....
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Title: Snags, snags, snags!

My latest scheme has hit a snag...

I checked out Cash Converters for NES games. Then I checked Electronics Boutique. Then, a bunch of pawn shops. Here is what I've come up with:

-They all beat me to the idea that selling retro games for a high price will get me money (higher than even I would have charged).
-Nintendo games...
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Our first family dog was named Buffy. She was run over and died frown

Sorry about your family's dog.
Title: Thou shalt not...

Here is what I shalt not do:

-Harm my roommate
-Scream at anyone
-Harm my roommate

Raven tends to try and monopolize my time and my computer. Granted, I have enjoyed the Black Adder episodes he has shown, but every time I want to get into some serious, hardcore writing, he tries to either talk to me, get me to play...
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you're pretty determined to make it sci-fi ay?
tongue it's all good man...

i'm a hugh sci fi fan myeself- just trying to change the mood for a bit- write something real for a change. although you're right- barry's case does leave room for much mystery...

but hey- the story is open and i stand by the game's rules- you do what you have to do- dont limit yourself!

Title: Happy Birthday to Me!

It's my birthday, folks. I am officially 22 years old, as of now. And today... I don't have anything special planned. It's just an inconvenient day to have a birthday, I think.

But my folks congratulated me on turning 22. That was nice of them. Parents came back from a winterlong vacation in Arizona. I'll see them on the end...
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You ever experience a Canadian winter?

Trust me, Arizona is freakin' paradise!
I'm afraid you'll have to just accept the absurdity of an uncaring universe.
Title: I Would Lose my Head (If it Wasn't Shoved up my Ass...)

It's official. D&D is gross. Like a leper, the major RPG fan in SG, Leningrad, has turned me away. First contact with Malloreigh has soured, even more so because she's a... STAR WARS FAN!!!!!!!

Naw, it's all in good humour. Though emotion is hard to guage on journals and boards, I sure...
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I'll just take your word for it. *L*
yes it did help. thank you
Title: First Contact With an Alien Species

I finally did it. I made message contact with an SG'er from Calgary.

Besides Aya, but she's in Edmonton now.

I did talk to Leningrad before on the groups, but it was mostly 'shop talk' about RPG's and stuff. My first introduction on SG with a SG member was with the wonderful and ultra cool Malloreigh.

She thinks...
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Dude, D&D _is_ gross.
*runs away in terror*

TREKKIE! digusting! what the hell is wrong with people today! star trek is NOTHING! i'm so disappointed in you. so very disappointed. star trek is so lame. i mean, look at star wars. not only is it one of the greatest fairy tales of our time, but it's also full of action and drama. there is nothing cooler than star wars, i tell you! nothing. and then you take star trek, which is basically about engaging in contact with hot humanoid alien females.

obviously, you can tell that we from calgary are VERY NORMAL. (actually, i don't even know if i'm counted in that group, i'm too new.)

p.s. while d&d is gross, i'm going to make someone teach me how to play it so i can say even more horrible things about it.
Title: Man Am I Bored,

I am bored. I'm chairman of the bored.

TV has lost it's thrill. The computer has become dull. I can't concentrate on writing. No money. Job sucks.

I am bored! This must be how Al Bundy feels like every day, only that Al has a better job than me, and a family, and a redheaded wife. Damn... if you take...
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i just wanted to say thank you. blush
Ah I love those games. I haven't played for ages, but when I did we had the most evil DM ever, he particularly liked to fuck my characters over. I remember the time we were playing some other game and two minutes in I opened the wrong door and three enemies empties Uzi's into me, or that time the invisible sniper got me in the woods, or when I had to fight some God-like super demon single handed, or when I got trapped in a dragon's cave with just a dagger, or all those poison gas traps...

*drifts into misty reverie*
Ahhhhhh. Happy Days
Title: Valentine's Day. Overrated?

What a beautiful night it was when I was working. Fog so thick you could almost stir it. Considering it was a pea soup fog that is usually seen by the ocean, and Calgary is landlocked and far away from any huge bodies of water, it is really something else to see. It had almost an ethereal quality to it, as...
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Nice to see someone else who considers Esthero a hidden gem. Did you know she's releasing a new album this spring? (about damn time!)