Llueve afuera,

escucho las gotas caer en los árboles

y el techo de los autos.

Cada gota

es un pensamiento que tengo por ella.

Fumo un cigarro

solo con la esperanza

de que ella tambien tenga un pensamiento por mi.

Raining outside,

hear the drops falling on trees

and the roof of the cars.

Every drop

It is a think that I have for her....
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With the threat of hurricane entering the Gulf of California I just relax with a few beers, a video game and just look at my lock screen of Ilanna and Radeo and that's more than enough.

Good night!


With the threat of hurricane entering the Gulf of California I just relax with a few beers, a video game and just look at my lock screen of Ilanna and Radeo and that's more than enough.

Good night!


Tienes recuerdos en tinta en tu piel
al mirarlos
llegan a tu memoria eventos imborrables en tu vida
pero... en mi mente
tengo tatuados tus ojos y tu sonrisa porque fue lo mas hermoso que mire ese día
y pude alzarme del abismo.

Memories have inked on your skin watch them

come to your memory unforgettable events in your life

but ... in my mind...
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