Download today!!!!

I got a ticket last minute and am going with Kez and Charlie, i am SO excited. I dont have a penny to take with me but i dont care....i am going to have fun!!! Ive got a bottle and half of vodka, and some white rum and a little weed to keep me amused, plus a bag of codeine lol. Godbless prescription...
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I've been living at home for a over a week now and its kinda driving me crazy. Daniel sleeps like....all day. and is up all night so we only get to hang out for a few hours which he mostly spends on the internet or playing final fantasy 12 lol. The entire family is uber broke so i literally havent done a thing in about...
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Moving sucks.

You'd think i'd be an expert at it by now, im pretty sure its the 24th time ive done it in 24 years haha. Our bedroom is getting pretty empty now, its sad. So to take my mind off of it and to celebrate my daniel turning 24 we went out on friday and saturday night. Good times love I've been feeling pretty rough...
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I handed in my creative writing portfolio yesterday.....8 pieces plus my main piece. I'm kinda loving my main piece. My teacher wants me to enter it into this unpublished short story competition. Only problem is its 5 entry and i didnt have the heart to tell him I dont actually have a fiver lol. I also did my presentation which was lame but was just...
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I am completely and utterly hungover.

I had an awesome night last night. My friend from London was up to see Cancer Bats @ Rock City so we decided to go to the club night after. We literally had 6 between us so i finished my bottle of Sailor Jerry (everytime i get my student loan i treat myself to a bottle, god I love...
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I am so far behind with my uni work. Most people are finishing their last assignments. Me? I have 3 major essays and an entire creative writing portfolio, plus presentation left to do. In about a week. Fuck.

I don't know why i let myself do this, every time. I always leave things till the last minute and then get completely stressed out. I literally...
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I've had a rather nice weekend. On thursday Daniel and I went to meet my brother who had managed to get us a nice big bag o'weed lol. So we went back to ours, stopping off at Waitrose to get a bottle of Sailor Jerry and some awesome cupcakes from their bakery, and rolled a few. And then a few more. Just as we start...
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Nick and EJ come tonight and im very very happy. I still have a fair bit to do before they get here tho. I wanted to make some sort of progress on one of my essays but i cant find my notebook with all my research in which is really fucking worrying. I took the bandage off my leg last night and i think the...
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The 1st of april and im hoping, a new phase of my life which doesnt suck!! This month has a lot in store for me....my student loan should be -however briefly- visiting my bank this weekend. Next thursday two of our friends are coming to visit, we are going to go to Alton Towers and go on all the rides (will hopefully get some awesome...
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glad your on the mend sounds like you have lots of things planned

what do you study?

Dean xx
Film & TV with Creative Writing. Its all kinds of awesome smile x
So it's been about 18 months since I last posted and I cannot even begin to explain how different my life is! But I will give it a shot, this is the very very very broken down version of what's happened to me since my last post.......

Daniel refused to be my boyfriend so I got a new one-Kris...BIG MISTAKE!! He was just a...
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