Vacations of sorts..or rather work with a little fun. It's however you take it, I guess. It seems as everything in life---there's a need for an overhaul. Ah-ha...and I have overhauled. I'm back; I little sassier, sillier & and confident as hell..
For some reason, I've been listening to Copeland's Control Freak. (Is that wrong to admit in the realm?) That's how I constantly feel, though..."freaked out". So, it's my current state...is there an emoticon for that? Ah yes, here it is... eeek Random enough, right?

It's close to midnight here, and I can't seem to even muster up sleepiness. I guess this state wouldn't be so bad...
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Well maybe if the music is getting to loud.
The blood of my viens is racing. The breath of my life seems to be a bit quicker these days as it approaches Halloween, no longer the unaccepted freak (it's trendy that day).

Still, as my life pulses, chaos surrounds me with work, family & my love---silly people.
Very Random
Boredom is slowly creeping up my spine like the first rising vibes of a acid frenzy (i know cheap movie quote rip off)
hope all is well in the south, cause i got the north handled
The general day, I fight the evilest of drivers that maintain residence here in Augusta as I merely desire to turn. That's it...nothing more or less...merely the desire to turn. Yet, their insatiable need to be first wherever they go extends into their need for attention. I hate them as much as I hate the golfers that descend upon Augusta like a plague during the...
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one thing i will do when im elected president is make it illegal for people over the age of 60 to drive..anyone from the age of 45 to 60 must have regular eye exams and tested for driving skills every 3 years...and maybe raise the driving age from 16 to 20...kids are just as bad as old people..

golfers are cool! especially when you caddy for the rich ones. they just throw money at you. smile