Holly fuck has it been a while or what? Time flies when you have as much fun as I do in life! Well getting ready for the upcoming season and business is good! Yes I said business is good if you can believe that in the economy we are in! Thanks you fucking crooks in the govt! Anyway as I said getting ready for an...
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As requested by 666irish I have updated the blog! So there!
Life has been busy and filled with fast cars,machine guns,artillary, and halftracks! What else need I say. More money would be nice, but of coarse wouldnt it always be nice to have more of that! There are plenty of cool projects at the shop and always some cool ones coming in! Looking forward...
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can't wait to see you at the party! smile
you were missed this weekend.
How time flies! Its been a while since I last posted on here. I have hardly had time to even get on here let alone post something! I am very busy with the new business and fortunatly had time to go to the hershey car show yesterday with a few great friends, 666irish and saraphine along with a couple of others as well. Good times...
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You two will eternally be twelve years old inside... lol smile
where is your shop at??
yup survived another night out with 666irish!!! We went down to the dropkick murphys show at ramshead in baltimore for a great show! The horrorpops kicked ass too! I really enjoyed listening to them and they put on a really good show too! Check em out if you get the chance! So now after all that fun its back to the shop for more work!...
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Wow its been a while since I have been on and posted anything at all. But I have been busy with the business which is a great thing! Went to New York state last weekend with all of my friends and had an absolute howl ! We ran into 2 transvestites at the dennys in the early am on sunday after a great night of...
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Busy with work! Need to make more money. The everlasting saga. I have to write a resume for the govt tomorrow which isnt really a whole lot of fun! I need to write about how good I am and what I have done so far that makes me qualified to work on govt property. I.E. tanks, guns ,missles ect.. you get the idea! I am...
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Resume writing sucks, but we have faith in you!
Well I survived the wedding! Had a great time I am sure that 666irish can attest to that one! We will get some pictures posted as soon as we get them from everyone! We were def the hit of the party and all the bars we went to after the party! I think friday and sat morn we spent our time on the town buying...
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you sluts wink
Its been a busy but unproductive week so far and its really starting to irritate me quite exstensively! It just seems like the week is almost over and nothing major has gotten accomplished. I have a wedding rehersal tomorrow in the middle of the day. mad Who in the hell has a wedding rehersal in the middle of the fucking day? So none the less that...
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Geez! Nice job! And yeah, wedding stuff in the middle of the day during the week is effed up
Yeah well another exciting day on the ponderosa! Yeah as I was going into town today I get a phone call from my buddy to come over to his house right away! He needs his halftrack started so we can go on a vigilante mission! Yep an escaped convict in the neighborhood two doors down! So we figured we would help with an armoured WWII...
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Movie: the Proposition. Band: The Gun Club. Sounds like you had an interesting welcome home!
Well I had a kick ass weekend in bethlahem! I never would have thought that a town in Pa would be that cool, but wow what a kick ass happening town! But yeah it was a blast! Then I get home and go over to a friends house and get to fucking blow up some shit with an MG42!!!!! Nothing says hello like a heavy...
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