feeling strangely melancholic today
Aww no comments whatever

Have a totally random hello smile
Here, have a second, random hello! smile

You live in China? Thats exciting. How did that come about?
nothing good can ever come of drinking wine from a mug on a wednesday night
You know, I bet there is a very interesting story in there! biggrin
well uni has been hectic. i moved in on the 23rd of september and since then iv had freshers week (which was fun but nothing too hedonistic) and im now on the fourth week of my course. its soo hard and intense. im studying chinese so i shouldn't really expect it to be easy, but still, its soooo hard. london itself seems pretty fun with...
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got back from my europe trip on tuesday. had such an awesome time. saw sooo many beautiful places, vienna was especially gorgeous. i'd love to go back there and spend longer. found prague slightly scary and paris very expensive, but berlin was cool - they have a rail system that actually seems to work!!!! amsterdam was fun but wouldn't spend more than a few days...
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hmmm, seems a little late to be starting school. Does uni always start that late?

Also, I'm just this year learning what uni means. Here we just call it university.

I'll get around to seeing Europe some day. I'm in no great rush, mostly because I don't like traveling that much.
going on holiday tomorrow biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
finally handed in my notice at work on saturday. can't wait till i leave. some things abt the job are awesome, like today i did a bra fit for this really awesome lady and she was so appreciative it just made my job seem so much more worthwhile. but then i go back onto the shop floor and we're understaffed and the managers are nowhere...
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Hi! Thanks for the friend request! Don't be a stranger, drop me a line. Its nice to meet you.
went watching tool in manchester last night. was so fuckin awesome, i swear i nearly came when they played schism, its like my most favourite song ever. i so love maynard, he has the most beautiful voice ever.
just had to get that off my chest lol biggrin
iv just had the most awesome weekend ever. i went to london with one of my friends and i seriously haven't had that much fun in a loooong time. we did the whole cultural thing first, we watched a play on friday night, blood brothers, and it was so cool. not highbrow at all, a very northern play, which was ace. on the saturday we...
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spent the day trying to plan my trip round europe. should be spending the first two weeks of september inter-railing round germany, austria, czech republic and a few other countries. well exciting! going to be staying in hostels and surviving on the cheap, but im so looking forward to it!
im going with a friend and the guy im seeing, which should be interesting. just...
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sounds like fun, wish i could do that mad ARRR!!! love