i just thought of something...if anyone is gonna be in New York for new year's, let me know. I'm flying out on the 30th and will be coming back the 3rd. If anyone is gonna be there, LET'S RAISE HELL IN NEW YORK AND PAINT THE TOWN RED IN OUR BLOOD!!!!!

by the way, i just landed the IT manager position at our LA campus...
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Will you look at this, there is other life at there!!! smile smile

by the way Miss, i hope your interview went well...
i updated some of my comments on my profile...in case anyone cares frown

i am a bit sad though. i was sitting here listening to some stabbing westward and thursday thinking about one of my ex's from about 2-3 years ago. My sweet December as i called her...

Mon Dieu, she was beautiful. It saddens my heart right now to think of what we had and...
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i feel ya, i am most inspired during my most painful moments...
i totally understand. I don't know what it is about the pain, but it makes me feel alive - perhaps it is a way of helping us appreciate the smallest wonderment in life...but, i could be wrong.

I...i don't know what to write right now...maybe later - i hurt
if god is our father, then is satan our cousin...?

i've had a hard time lately. I have been seeing so much beauty in the smallest things. At times it becomes almost overwhelming. It almost feels like having a hightened sense - it can be incredible when it comes to something that is funny or passionate, but when it comes to beauty...it almost becomes too...
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then go eat some! LA is the easiest place to find some asssmile
easier said than done. I'm sure you would have no problem. You probably just have to snap your fingers and "POOF", there's a line forming!

...just a taste...that's all i want
just so you know what i am talking about; Byron wrote this when he was around 17 or 18 i believe...(and my quote earlier was not exact and i apologize, but you get the jist)

Away with your fictions of flimsy romance,
Those tissues of falsehood which folly has wove !
Give me the mild beam of the soul-breathing glance,
Or the rapture which dwells...
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Well, i just found out that my house is in escrow. i guess it's good news, but now i have to move again. AND i think i have to get a job again. It's been great not working for a while and just living of the fruits of my labor, but now i guess it is time...

oh and by the way, i was reading...
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i really donot have anything to say right now...perhaps, i will bleed my heart out later...
i love cooking. i drive down PCH everyday and i never tire of the gorgeous view...
tell me about it. Cooking is great and relaxing. Sometimes i just like to open a bottle of wine and just throw something together and have fun....

PCH is great and i love going down towards the seal beach area because there's what; 2 people on the whole beach?!!! i mean, you pretty much have the whole beach to yourself.

i hope to run into you there one day mismuffet...one day soon hopefully ;~)

more to come, i gotta go run some errands and what not.