jetlagged as hell but finally made my way back into orlando...
That's terrifying! Damn scientologists!
So now that you are back, what are you up to? School? Work? You should come hang out with everyone again some time soon smile
i'm in my last week of school, and than i must leave mnster and set off on my three weeks of backpacking. this saturday i head off to berlin with some friends and on sat i'm going to the Berlin Festival b/c my friend insisted. i don't really like festivals but i'll get to see the go team, peaches, datarock, and the presets.

the rest...
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last night i went out with friends and had my first taste of absynthe. it tastes kind of awful but i loved the feeling it gave me. after more drinks we than found ourselves across town at the Kino where we saw Sterb Langsam 4.0 (Die Hard 4). all dubbed in German of course which made it awsome. yippy yay yay Shweinbecke... miao!!
so i've been in germany for one week but it feels like a lot longer, although at the same time, the time has passed really quick. the woman i'm living with is really nice and she only speaks some english which is hard at times but it helps me in learning german. the other people at the school i'm going to are all awsome theres...
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So Jealous!! tongue
tonight was fun. ^_^ i went with my roommate to see Battles at the Social and they were fucking awsome. their drummer is now the sweatiest man i've ever seen, even his jeans were completely drenched by the end of the show.
all in all i left completely satisfied, because
1. Battles put on a really good show
2. i got the shirt i wanted...
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Thanks for the welcome girly. I know what you mean about closure. I hope you got what you needed. smile
i got way too drunk last nite. i made the mistake of trying to keep up with people over twice my size and didn't space out my shots enough, but the vodka i got was yummy. a few friends and i were planning on having a lil drinking get-together before i left, and last night was the only time we thought we'd all be able...
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wow sounds like you hade fun..
dont smoke to much weed in germany!
Oh wow. People are really, really stupid. I can't believe anyone out there actually thinks that those movies are somehow evidence of the dangers of hostels!

Shockingly, I stayed in hostels for most of a month and never got horribly murdered!
i just got back from seeing my advisor about next years classes and it looks like i'm all set to graduate next spring for sure now. ^_^ also this is my last week of school for the semester and i'm going home this weekend to visit my parents. than back to orlando on tues for lots of work since my hours got upped, which is...
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hey congrats!
Roger Avery seems to know his shit, so it should be good. It could be amazing though!
i bought my plane tickets today! june 22 i gotta get my ass down to fort myers, and than i am off. have one stopover in munich, and than like an hour plane ride to dusseldorff. and than i'm catching the train to mnster. i can't wait. and my return flight isn't until august 17. ^_^ that gives me 21 days to dick around in...
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Thank you darling!!!!
you are to to kind!
Wow! Have fun! take pictures!!
this past week has been crazy. nonstop work/school/other shit going on. i've been working on marketing the film Kamp Katrina for the Florida Film Festival, which included making up our own flyers since the filmmakers never really came through on that. a whole group of people which mostly weren't even in the class i'm doing this for helped make up the flyers tues night and...
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