What have I been up to?
Lots & lots of this:

Some of this:

Sweating my make up off before even going out makes me feel like this:

Laughing with my roommate about when we were wee ones:

Playing with my food:

Trying to get my abs back:
Lots & lots of this:

Some of this:

Sweating my make up off before even going out makes me feel like this:

Laughing with my roommate about when we were wee ones:

Playing with my food:

Trying to get my abs back:
Channeling my inner klutz and busting my lip on a sink: I will spoiler for those with weak tummy's even tho this isn't that bad...
Being naughty/silly in my EMT uniform...
Photo blogs are way more fun
Thank you for offering to be there for me though.