Just made up my new favorite saying lol!

Dropkicked into a curbstomp!!!

I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.

A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.
I see that which I wish could be but how it seems that it shall never be for I had a dream and now that dream is lost from me and I have become that which I wished I would never be which is lost forever in the places where lost things become lost forever to be never found for I am buried deep in...
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Thank you for the comment you left on my set <3
Happy new year ! And thanks for your comment on my set !
Is happiness truly lost to us to the point that it is nothing more then an illusion and a false hope in which we spend countless thought which ends in disappointment and sorrow? Is happiness only just a word that has been made up to break our spirit and make us look as the fool when we strive to find it? Alas is happiness so...
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hey thanks for your comment on my set ! It means a lot to me
Thank you so much for the comments on my set, sweetheart! smilekiss
Some say beauty is in the eye of the beholder! Some also say that beauty is deeper than what's on the surface! Some even say beauty is a combination of both! I say true beauty is in the mind, body and soul and each is nothing alone! Every person has their own unique combination that makes them who they are and what they perceive as...
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Thank you for your comment on my set! kiss
Thank you so much for you comment on my first set
Don't you just hate it when you get something stuck in your head? Be it a song or a line from a movie or anything for that matter? Well I've got a line from a movie I watched and funny thing is I probably watched it last year go figure! So I'm going to post it here and maybe get it stuck in someone else's...
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We spend our life constantly weaving our web each and every day anew! It is ever changing and always in threat of attack and absolute destruction and at times in tatters from the aftermath and repairs are forever constant! Our center is always the strongest and weathers the storms best due to that it is made up of the ones we care about the most...
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Thank you very much for your coment on my set Shine on you!
What is it to live life? do you live it how you feel you should or do you submit to the big ugly monster that is the world of those that pass you by with marked apprehension and loathing in their eyes because you choose to be different and truly yourself? I myself find it very difficult to not judge those that decide someone else...
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It's very true, it's time for everyone to realize that regardless of physical appearance, race, color, creed, we are all people. That's once thing we have in common so everyone really just needs to have compassion for that. Anyway. thanks for your love and comment on my set Walk Without Rhythm your support really means the world, so thanks again doll.
Hi Legolas!

Thank u so much for the add...I really wish to become pink... smile

I look at the world from inside myself and say what is it to love? and for me I see the answer as this anyone can say they love but can they truly stop, breath and take the time to understand who is before them as a person and truly care what it is to be alive and sharing such a beautiful thing that only...
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