This is a tough choice, I mean seriously, because you’d have to be with them for eternity. I know I’d have to ask if I could turn my partner too so we could all hang out.
I’ve loved the vampire genre sense I was a little kid and watched My Best Friend is a Vampire, or Monster Squad.

Anyway, If you stumble across this thread...
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I’m going to vote for @dainty but it really is a tough choice.

Two things came to mind as I sat and thought about today.

1) There are a lot of moms out there that choose not to be moms, but provide a motherly role model for others to follow. (My Sister)

2) There are a lot of moms out there that can’t be physical mothers because of their circumstances or medical issues.

3) There are moms who...
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I’m quite agreeing with you, also in Italy now we have a language problem (we don’t have neutral names, everything has feminine or masculine sound) and on identity card the purpose was to have “parent one” and “parent two” instead of mother and father words
Of course old mentality and really religion people aren’t agreeing with that

So far I’ve split a stitch and have had some horrible pain in my leg because of the nerves coming back to life.

It’s excruciating.

When Oxycodone can’t stop the pain, you know something is wrong.

@sunshinelove I am active duty so I cant take any cannabis oil.
Sincerely hope everything was successful and a speedy recovery follows

In two days I will undergo the most invasive surgery I have ever undergone. They are fusing my L5 and S1 vertebrae, but they are doing it anteriorly (from the front), which means they have to move all of my organs out of way do the fusion and put it all back. 2 nights in the hospital for recovery, and 42 days of convalescent leave
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Oh and that’s my kitty named “Baby” she is my emotional support cat. 😍

This is my first blog....I normally don’t write my thoughts publicly, but I felt like I needed to say two very important things.

#1 My wife got her hair cut no guard fade and left the top shorter than shoulder length. It is the sexiest hair cut I have ever seen. I have been attracted to her since I first laid eyes on her, but...
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