Going to Cleveland this weekend, going to eat at Fat Fish and then go to the Flat Iron probably. We are going up there because its a friend of the family's birthday - it should get pretty nutty.
Pretty crazy cool shit huh?? There are like 6 episodes..
seriously, the team was abducted and replaced by androids who had no idea what football is. that was one of the saddest things i have ever seen.

but hey, thanks! im excited about the new set, too. its about damn time
I've watched a couple of movies lately; I can't remember half of them though. Little Miss Sunshine was probably the best, seeing how that's the first one I remember. Black Dahlia is another one I watched, it was fucking terrible. Oh, I watched Snakes on a Plane, I expected this to be horrible, but it wasn't that bad compared to some of the movies coming...
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I loved Little Miss Sunshine! Steve Carell is quite a fully guy smile
Man, work sucks (i know i'm the first person to ever write that) i need more money. Just got a truck nov. 31st and making payments is a pain in my check book. I guess i will have to not have a life for a couple months to save up some money mad
That is crazy, what a cool family story to tell people though! How is your weekend goign so far? And yeah work does suck, I may have to quit my job soon, I dont want to but they are being cock suckers. frown
You have only beed to Starbucks once!!?? WHAT THE!!?? eeek eeek eeek hahahaha you need to change that, although I shouldt promote becoming a corporate sell out to liquid crack woo hoo!! so my band? hmmmmmm le's see, if I can describe this in words.. Corrosion of Conformity or Down meets Rob Zombie with a distorted Harmonica?? I like to call it Southern Freak Show Metal hahahahahaha! Hence the name Murderide skull skull
wow, I'm a pretty boring person.... can't really think of anything to put in here. Christmas is coming up so that should be interesting. Went to my company x-mas part, free booze - got drunk - went home. My friend"s brother let us borrow his Wii, we played Wii bowling drunk it was a lot more fun than i thought it was going to be.
When I first read your comment I thought you had said I had a bony ass. I had to re read it to realize what you had written!

I think Ive been working way too many hours and its affecting my brain! eeek
wow, the year is almost over, and i dont remember doing a fucking thing worth my time, another lost year.
Fuck, i need to figure out shit. life is so confusing right now - PS3 is out now, so much to live up to - the Wii is kicking ass at retail right now- but i love my 360 and gears of war is badass. hold me
OSU vs MICH, i will be there, so i hope it will be badass. A lot of hype, a lot of history, a lot of beer should make this a great game day
i shaved my beard and hes growing back slow as fuck and my hair has been growing slow as well; so I'm going to stop wearing a coat this winter. My thinking is animals grow winter coats because of the cold, so if I subject myself to cold weather then my beard and hair will grow in thicker quicker, I just hope it doesn't work...
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wow, i havent been doing much lately, i hardly get on here anymore, Oblivion has been taking up most of my life, so that should get me laid errrr not
Hahaha biggrin
PS3 is going to suck, i mean it might have badass graphics and amazing frame rates, but i think the cost number one and availability is working against it. The TGS is going on or went on last week or something, i haven't really seen anything too interesting yet - i haven't really looked though
I REALLY need to quit drinking
I don't drink smile I hate the stuff now. Used to drink though.
I'm not allowed to say when new sets are coming out frown but it has already been shot! biggrin but its themed, so can only go up (if accepted) at a certain time of year. I shall say no more biggrin
And thankyou smile It's nice to hear that (wel...read it :p heh) I'm glad you like me for me biggrin You're too lovely!
All the best xoxox
i don't really drink anymore. got sick of it i guess...

and oh yeah, YOU blow.
