I quit. In general, humanity, I don't think I'm getting out of bed tommorow. It might not happen on monday either. I'm not sure if i'm going to leave to get food or weed or beer but signs point to no. I've got at least 30 pounds of extra weight on me (beer, weed) and with judicious water consumption that could last into the end...
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Oh, it's not a blast, believe me; this country is too small for firework bomb antics; we live in each others pockets.

Nice Simpsons reference biggrin

Does weed make you put on weight?

Get out of bed because your bed needs a rest too.
Ah - the munchies! Heard of those.

It's good you're not a slob. And even better you like Eastwood. I wish I were more like him frown

And Siduri the godess of the vine said to him:
Woe be unto you Gilgamesh, Where are you hurrying to? You will not find the life that you seek.
When the gods created man they gave him death and retained life for their own keeping. As for you fill your belly with good things night and day, day and night, dance and be merry, Feast...
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It's a good lot, certainly, if you've the courage to embrace it.
Love it
I know I say this a lot, but I hate wanting things. I hate the degree which matierial culture has hijacked my brain. And I do well I think avoiding things like cars, clothes, TVs with the brain cancer and the surface area larger than my room. But stuff still gets me and I hate it. I have this big stack of books in my...
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I'm equally irresponsible with my legal tender.

Nice new picture - you look like a big dude.
It's snowing again, I hate the snow, really but I'll have a good time wearing my hat and my scarves and and my coats with the fake fur lining and my cool ass judd nelson in the breakfast club mittens. I sort of love the transitional times of year winter drags on and summer is hard because you know it's just withering away.
Also my...
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TAG mofo! biggrin
I shaved all my hair off again. I
> bought a 500$ car this weekend. I made some
> stickers that say "real vermonters go
commando" I
> went on a bike ride with my cousin yesterday and
> we harrased some cows with my red homocycle. I was woken up
> this morning (9am EST) by christians who
wanted to
> prolesthetize to me...
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Heh, philos biggrin

Mysterious smells are mysterious; my own room often exudes them.

The Birthday Party are a class act all the way. I love '6" Gold Blade" - when that bass comes in, man, it makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck.

Thanks duder. Was that an Edward Gorey reference? I really should get more familiar with his work; I like what I've seen.
I hate ebay because I hate waiting for things. I'm like a 4 year old. Why can't people just buy it now and give me my money so I can buy more crap I don't need. I know this sort of defeats the purpose of an auction and that i should calm down and enjoy the sublime drama of capitalism at work but i'm not...
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Tell Us something we don't know.

I hate capitalism. I hate the job hunt. I hate the Big Grift.I feel like I've been sold some magic beans but instead of trading off a cow I've traded any chance of surviving independently. The attacks are back and the breathing exersizes don't help. Someday I will normalize. someday someday. Someday normal function will return to my body...
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Yes; someday it will. That's the way the cookie crumbles. Are they panic attacks? I have some experience with those, though they're all in the past now. So, yes - someday. smile
What're IBT's? confused

I'd like to shake your hand, Dissapointment,But this time might be the last.
I'm embracing failure and making my tactical retreat back to the safe confines of faux bohemia, back to the three needs, back to pure pop records and city market and the crow bookstore. I need to get a handle on my worthless life. I need to stop being paranoid and disfunctional...
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I'm thinking of writing revolutionary tracts in plain language to inflame the uneducated masses to action
I'm thinking of a project involving 400 scottish terriers being used as beasts of burden and dyed in a multitude of colours.
I'm thinking of a visual style to make my comic the gnarliest but have not as of yet stumbled upon it.
I've just looked at this guy...
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Yeah, I hate animosity on forums. I do regret my remark, though - sometimes I forget to think before I speak. It's not even that I think she was under-nourished, actually; it's just that she is very thin, and that can look quite shocking in the right light. It doesn't bother me half as much as I gave the impression it did. And I don't appreciate some guy who doesn't know me from Adam calling me a retard, either. But then maybe he mis-spoke as well. Ah, well - water under the bridge smile

"Recockulous" is a good word ooo aaa
I've started recording again after a meaningful abscence (my tascam had dust on it.) Most of the stuff is fairly pedestrian post rock guitar collage doodly bullshit but I did a stripped down semi-country/sub-bright eyes cover of "Call me Al" that I'm pretty happy with. I did a lap steel acompaniment and cut out all that worldbeat fake synthhorn garbage that was holding the original...
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"If you'll be my bodyguard, I could be your long lost pal..." I promise not to call you Betty, though. Unless you want me to wink
So maybe I was a bit hard on the birthday, this one was Ok, I got:
a rotating target (so I wouldn't have to drink a bunch of beer and throw the cans on my lawn to shoot at them)
a Leatherman (pliars, knife, screwdriver dohickey to go all mcguyver on shit with)
the first season of the simpsons (crude but still funny i like...
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It might, just maybe have to do with my journal entry wink
The only checmicals I engage myself with are nicotine, caffiene and ibproufen, so I'm not really up on all the speculation.

If you'd reply in my journal, I 'd know that you did it as I'm on Sg at the moment.

And, is VT really considered the tundra?
Crappy birthday to me. I hate birthdays in genral I'm a year older than buddy holly was when he kicked it. I'm a year older than michaelangelo was when he carved the Pieta. I'm no longer in my early 20's.
this is what I did with 23
Finished College at UVM
Got Arrested
fixed 3 bikes
Got tattooed
went to New Orleans(once) and New York...
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happy birthday
You don't know me, but happy birthday anyway biggrin .

Oh, and Cy Twombly and El Greco are both excellent artists; I commend you on your taste wink