Tough to argue with that. People often ask what I think of this or that and I'm fond of saying I stopped thinking a long time ago...
Where have you been lately? You haven't posted much in the past month or so. You doing ok?
I love that.

I have always been blessed with this gift: usually, though I might be plagued with all sorts of troubles, I fall asleep easily and wake up feeling refreshed and hopeful.

It's been a rough couple of... years, ack. But also the past few days have been especially hard. Made friends with a few bottles of whiskey, I did.

Still, I notice that though I'm dragging...
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I find it very hard to wake up lately. I think I've been pushing myself too hard for too long (one reason I'm looking forward to the summer so much -it'll be my first break in along time). I think if you can wake up in a positive frame of mind you're really ahead of the game. The question is how do you avoid allowing all the disappointment in the world from crashing down on you? That I don't know. I really don't.

I've befriended a few bottles myself, but our breakups are never good ones.

You should bottle that early-morning hope; you could make a fortune selling it as a patent medicine. I always feel most optimistic in the morning, but then I realize that it's because I don't think too clearly then, so I've obviously missed something important.
I was walking in Georgetown yesterday when I almost passed an old pharmacy that was closing its doors for good. They were selling everything, from the beautiful 19th century cabinetry to the entire inventory, some of which dated back that long as well. Alas, I could not purchase the cabinetry, but the ancient little pharmacist was willing to part with some of the inocuous treasures...
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That's fascinating. Years ago a friend of mine used to make a decent living going to second hand stores and antique shops, mainly in small towns, looking for things discarded. I keep thinking those days are gone (what with eBay, etc...). Maybe they're not. I meant to comment on your last entry. I really like both of the photographs. I used to mark the new year in lavish style so I can appreciate champagne on a winter beach. How has 2008 been treating you thus far?
Damn. You must now have the most kickass medicine cabinet in the land! Nice work.
New Year's Eve was amazing, even if it was fraught with drama of the ex-bf variety, who decided to give me very unhelpful grief for... living.

I went to an excellent party in a duo of punk houses in the heart of Crown Heights, where everything was filthy and beautiful, just like the people, of which there were over a hundred. Bands played in each...
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I can't tell how I feel about Christmas this year. There are all sorts of reasons to feel bad, but also to feel grateful. I bought a tree and it is lovely and fills the house with its gorgeous stink. This evening I sat alone and made Christmas stockings for my siblings out of felt and yarn, listening to Sufjan Stevens' Christmas music, which is...
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This totally got my attention because it sounds quite familiar. Except I am alone at this time of year for the first time in a very long time and it's kinda unsettling how much I am liking it....glad u accepted the friend request.
I haven't seen the Golden Compass. I thought about seeing it last weekend but my weekend turned into a work marathon. I think visually the Golden Compass will be worth seeing. I also want to see the new National Treasure movie when it comes out. I can take or leave Nicolas Cage most of the time but I have a soft spot for conspiracies and American history so I'll end up going to see it.

Honestly I haven't read much lately. I read Helprin's A Soldier of the Great War back in October. Not my favorite Helprin novel but he is such a good writer it's almost unfair. I miss good used bookstores. I was talking with my brother a few nights ago about a great bookstore I used to go to (in another city). I pretty much have to go to Berkeley to find used books.

I personally dislike Christmas. I'm not really sure what's being celebrated. The overt pressure to shop for the good of the economy (and hence the country) is pretty amusing (and baffling). I do enjoy buying things for others though. I'll rarely treat myself but I'm perfectly ok with buying things for my family and friends. Christmas is a good excuse I guess.

Did I mention I was going to be in DC in January? I'll believe it when I get travel arrangements emailed to me.
"To fall in love is easy, even to remain in it is not difficult; our human loneliness is cause enough. But it is a hard quest worth making to find a comrade through whose steady presence one becomes steadily the person one desires to be."
Indeed. Am I that transparent? *grin*

It is thought that traumatic, sudden changes in a life can create opportunities for good changes too. I'm hoping for that to be the case with mine.
I wouldn't say transparent. People have commented on my ability to state the obvious though. *grin*

I've read that evolution isn't gradual but rather happens in sudden bursts (most likely caused by sudden environmental changes). Maybe we evolve as individuals in the same way -I know jarring and sudden changes tend to re-focus and remind me of where and who I want to be. I think that's a positive.