Good Timezone to you all! I just wanted to take a moment and wish a happy pride month to guys, gals and non-binary pals of this community. And if that bothers you, annoys you, upsets you existentially.... Sux for you because as far as I'm concerned, the gays can do whatever they want.

thank you !! Happy Pride also for you

I just want to say that I am sickened and utterly disgusted about the prevalence of sexual assault and abuse being revealed this past weekend from many Twitch partners, affiliates and streamers. The amount of stories about grooming, about exploitation have shook me to my core. I have loved this platform for a long time and I won't stop using it, for the time being....
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Just needed some love and validation today. It's my birthday!

Happy bday babe
Our birthdays are close! Yay Aries ❤️‍🔥

You know I feel like I just needed to scream into the void this morning. It was prompted by the fact that the job that I hold, is really not a job. I currently deliver food for a living, we will get into how insane that is for me later. But, I also know that a lot of the ladies don't live here in the...
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Well I have caught the bug again, and school is finally done! I have my Masters Degree!!! Anyone just wanted to mention that you can catch me at https://www.twitch.tv/deadkelthefrozen.

I am a smaller streamer, with a huge... brain! Also I am awesome, because I practice every day in front of the mirror. Seriously thought.

Catch me Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 4-8pm MST America &...
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Will Isaac survive, the battle against the evil space corporation; Space Taco Bell? Fighting ever so hard against the proliferation of Taco Tuesday. Disclaimer: I am sponsored by pizza. #sellout
I took an arrow to the knee, in Vietnam! I did that correctly, right? Far Cry 5 DLC

So, I know I have been missing a lot of streams. I feel bad as I made a commitment to stream. Since I struggle with depression there are many days I go to battle with it. Most days I win, but some days I just can't handle it. This past weekend I had to hospitalize myself for safety. I am going to go out on...
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It's hard, I know because I've not streamed in months now due to exactly same reasons - and traveling. But I miss it. Never feel you need to explain yourself, but I'm sure it's more appreciated by everyone that loves and follows you 🧡 can't wait to catch a stream of yours!
That was over a year ago. It feels like a lifetime. A lot of things have changed, but I have been musing on the idea of coming back and giving it another shot.

First of all, I just wanted to thank everyone who takes the time to read these. But, if you care to, I will be streaming Dead Space 2 today on Twitch. Still trying to unravel the evil space taco conspiracy... This time the guvment is involved.
