I have two questions for you and my two responses, what are yours?

Who here believes in the "Red Thread of Fate"? I have been single for quite a long-time including celibacy, waiting for the one I want to be ready to start our journey together. She is aware that I am peacefully waiting and will not rush her in any form. The...
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Now and days sex is so easy to come by that there is barely such a thing as love anymore. Our generations thrive off of sex, alcohol, drugs, and fighting. What happened to honesty in a relationship? I have yet to witness it with the other half in any of my relationships. Women sit and wonder why there are so many fuckboys out there but...
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I might be the only guy who does... but damn im addicted to melanie martinez's music. Her mentality and voice show a sick seduction that is extremely mysterious and sexy. Like damn its just astonishing but that's it for now. gotta go get ready to go to the gym for a good boxing session.

No you're not the only guy. Actually I'm so addicted to her I got a tribute tattoo of her song ''Cake'' :o 

Another day down and it hits me... Gangs are no joke neither a trend but a trend to end all trends do you want to pretend or make amen. I question myself... what is the army than. People look at us as the bad the guys, you know, the ones who want to kill and raise hell. The truth is I enlisted to protect what...
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Gotta sit and wonder how everyone is doing back in the states while deployed, life loves giving new obstacles but its within yourself to overcome it or just let it keep you down.