what have I been up to? Class. Not working. Road trips. 3 weeks ago it was NYC. 2 weekends, Boston. Last weekend, Philly. It was a fucking good time. Now, back to reality- trying to get hours and get my 2 upstairs rooms painted and finished. one is basically done, but no not really.
sadly that is about it. I m busy with classes. yeah....
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yeah so i bought a new comp. a couple days ago- those macs are def. fucking sweet. im in love-im not even on the internet with that one yet either- it'll be a couple weeks- im so retarted with technology tho, i gots a lot to learn. i washed my car today and i felt accomplished- i skipped class to get some stuff done. thats...
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merry x-mas!

Hey, Happy Valentines Day!
Yeah so, what a loser am I. I just finished watching laguna beach. i couldn't stop. I watched 2 episodes. the whole jessica and jason drama, how gay. I was about to say, how highschool- but yeah, thier in HS. I should probably be in the shower. I had ceramics class, and i feel like dried clay. Oh and just so you know im not...
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Today was a crazy family day. I was gonna be the biggest nerd ever and do HW all day. I have a speech due monday, and I didn't want to spend all Sunday while Im trying to watch football and get wasted, writing a speech. but, unexpected family from canada came thru and well i saw it was like 9 oclock and thought, fuck it....
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Today I found out I got the job. I get to make beer. haha yes. I'm so excited, finally some money coming in. so siked. today was my last final too. ugh finally a summer i can actually just work my ass off and enjoy. im buying an Ipod to celebrate this week, and some things for the boyfriend. yes! xoxo ARRR!!!
you work for budwiser that would be like a dream job