I've finally moved back home with my parents, I'm not sure if I'm going to like it 100% but it is only temporary until I can get my own place. I got to see my nephew today and play with him. He is officially 1 year old. Wow! Time goes by so fast. That little boy is going to get whatever he wants and im...
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nothing wrong with mooching off the 'rents for a bit. helps you save money. 

Today I spent my day with my family. Which includes but is not limited to my mom my two sisters my nephew :) my "brother in law" my godmother her son and her daughter in law and their baby. It was such a perfect day! I was soo bummed I did not get to see the tigers. Tigers are my favorite animal. They are such...
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So today my mother and I spent most of our morning walking around this new nature trail we found. I got locked by an elk and I got to pet him. He was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. They are such beautiful creatures, I can't wait to finish school because I'm going to go into exotic animals so I can learn more...
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Today has been such a beautiful day! I've spent most of it with all the windows open and fresh air filling the apartment. It has been so long since I've been able to own the windows and not freeze or melt away haha. Sadly the rest of this day I am spending at work, but tomorrow is my day off and I am going to...
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It has been way to long since I have been online. Ive been busy running around working my butt off. But finally things have taken a turn for the better, I am finally starting to relax and feel a ton better. Woot!


this morning was beautiful with the sunrise. I sat on my couch and watched the sunrise with my favorite coffee. Best relaxing morning ever. Wish days were this beautiful all the time.


Spending the rest of my Sunday night playing Diablo III so addicting! It is one of my favorite games to play. Cant wait to kick my mans butt in this game. Surprisingly im really good at it :)) Love him to death haha