The Hitchhiker and Buddha are my two new accessories! I just bought £25 worth of more too, SOOO excited for them =] xxx
Had a shoot last night (13/08/2014)..lingerie and classy dress shoot, with the over-sized man's shirt thrown in for good measure =] x
So, day 5 of juicing was yesterday..and i failed! Had a nice carrot, orange and lemon juice of breakfast. Then a not so nice green one in the afternoon (which I won't be making again!). But I could not stop craving chips (or fries in america lol)!! just thinking about the bag from the takeaway covered in chip spice..I felt like an addict tbh, and...
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Hola =]
Started juicing 4 days ago as a way to detox. Inspired by Joe Cross's: Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead documentary I saw in January and finally managed to buy a juicer!
So currently rebooting & detoxing: only drinking juices =] it is going very well, lost 5lbs roughly so far and I am enjoying what I'm drinking - surprisingly! They say: drink a...
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Sooo...Been playing Dead Space A LOT recently.. actually just got stuck on chapter 9.... But I think because I've been playing it soo much it's getting to me!
This morning woke up suddenly from dreaming about cutting off scary infected peoples heads with nail scissors (?) and earlier heard my sister in the other room whispering my name slowly and scarily, but she swears down
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Distracted from my revision by eating breakfast (big bowl of blueberries and strawberries
So thought I'd have some fun: seductively eating a strawberry...why not?! lol
Oh, where'd that top go ;P
That was fun while it lasted xD
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Went to poetry gig last night and heard from a local up and coming poet as well as the AMAZING BENJAMIN ZEPHANIAH!
He was brilliant, a fantastic performer. I hung around afterward and got a picture with him..
I look really awful in the picture: hayfever, fat and ugly, BUT its the only picture I have of me and him - for now - so...
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