I've never written a blog before. That must mean that anything that I write won't be a piece of literary awesome. I wonder if rolling my face on the keyboard would get better results. Lets see...

zs5fhghoipjdfsdxfcgjhkvl ',m;hnbvdbnfo;mn.fjhdgxdfyhulij;om'ko;.n,mhnbfvdsdfjhk[kpoiuytrsetdutfiygopbo;.kfvdfsfjlk;mljhgfdsaserw4r576ty8u9pi09rsetrdhjvhkbjlnkjhxgzfsxcfvgbhuovic4awesrdtfyugbhiojniplbkuvjchxgzsexdcftvygbuohlkhgrzsrxdcvgubhjkn

Good enough.
welcome, and let the face typing begin!
That is defiantly Nobel Prize worthy literature right there. I especially liked the sdfjhk[kpoiuy part.