Finally back, have the internet again... will post when more time is available
Happy Birthday love love love
I really need to find a new job. I left the old one thinking it would be real easy. I mean, I've got a degree now, I'm continuing my education, I have a good background and references. So wtf?
Maybe I need to get out of this town. I think there is more opportunity somewhere besides central Pennsylvania. Even if I moved to Pittsburgh I...
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sick, tired, and a lot to do... puke
Thanx for the set comments! kiss

If you sit down and think about it, words and letters are just symbols. Symbols are just signs or images, letters for example are just lines and curves arranged in a way to make us picture something in our minds. Crazy.
So our mind is processing all these symbols, which is even crazier. We only use 10% or less of our brain. If we could...
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Well, the last couple weeks have been somewhat of a living hell. Everthing with my job and life and everything. The only thing I have been able to look to for companionship was my dog. He has always been there no matter what, loved me no matter what, and always knew how to make a moment better. Well, yesterday at about 1pm he unlocked the...
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Oh my God, that is the saddest thing I have heard!!
I am so sorry, He's a BEAUTIFUL dog.
I allways wanted to get a german shep they seem like amazingly smart dogs!

Well, I finally dumped my job. I think that the three ongoing years of hell are finally over, time to move on. That place was getting ridiculous and pissing me off. I need to concentrate on school and a new job that won't make me want to stick a knife in my throat. smile
The man has won once again, but it is not yet time for a revolution. The time will come, but as for now I will go have some pancakes and a spliz. shocked