i saw the mars volta last night...they owned...
i was a little to drunk to remember alot though..all i know is that this girl who came up from lowell had some kind of episode and had to go to woosta medical...I hope she is alright... after the show my boy danny drove my ass up to salem NH.to BULLmoose..to buy the new Weezer cd at...
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thanxs for your comment on my set kiss
you are like totally adorable.
well....this last month of my life has been very very busy...

It has also been very very tough. I have suffered a blown friendship that still hurts as i type this....
From now on....i will be careful with who i make friends with...

Since this time last month.....i have worked crazy hours overnight, then went to school on days. Edited a stressful video for my...
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I moved into my new apartment today.....i quickly realized earlier why i hate moving.....anyways there are 2 unlocked wireless signals floating aroung me right now! now i don't have to pay for cable smile
.....Meghan basically told me to screw last week. But its all good because in less than 24 hours i asked tthis girl vanessa if she would have dinner with me....and she said...
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Kurt cobain died today...how the fuck did i forget that.....
Anyways...too much work, i am exhausted..i work 10pm-7am the next few days then i have class all day....I have too many tests and my Corporate video class project needs to be shot and edited...I fuckin hate editing...No time to skate..no time for girls......cept meghan of course(but she doesn't have time for me...so that leaves me...
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Oh dont worry, your in the safe. I wont delete ya either.
gas prices are 2.28?
thats sick.. (though the gallon compared to the litre is different) its .86 here... and thats pushin it.
my spring break is ova..... Back to school. These last weeks have brought alot of changes for me. I found a 1 bedroom apartment in west warwick RI. I got rid of my white trash heeb roomate, and got myself a new job overnight in warwick to keep myself busy. sooo...good for me!
I added some pics in my pics folder jeff. I have been...
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i got a digital camera........score 1 for me!!!!!!!
lotta moneyyyyy. I added a tattoos section to my pics file. and i added some more pics to my jeff file. Real nasty ones too!!!!!!
Brody posted a message on the distillers board this morn about how the band is having a movie/ book and new cd coming out........I am obviously a huge distillas fan, so once...
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so its fri nite.... i have nothing to do. My sister and her boyfriend drove down from woostah to see me. That was cool.
school up here sux.......i am really not liking it...plus there is a certain girl i wish not to see and she is there constantly.
I think i am gonna move to orlando FL. after the summer to go to school there....
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Hey there, yeah I see we like alot of the same bands smile Thanx for the nice comment on my set!
...my vacation is ova....it is now back to the boring reality of Rhode Island. New york City was alot of fun. I did alot of interesting stuff and met alot of interesting people. Went to Conan, went to CBGBS as usual... went to Hello deli....i went all ova.. now I finally got my virgen de guadolupe tattoo worked on this past weekend. One 2 hour...
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tha sucks realy mad
what is up with me? Why is it whenever i fall for a girl i fall flat on my face? Why is it that the girls i hook up with end up being scumbags who screw with my head? Oh well. I guess i'll never learn. This happens to me all the time and i keep coming back. Just like an addict.
Anyways i am...
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i wish i had a mac to but this year i will bye me a mac mini
computer crashes suck....
what is up with me? Why is it whenever i fall for a girl i fall flat on my face? Why is it that the girls i hook up with end up being scumbags who screw with my head? Oh well. I guess i'll never learn. This happens to me all the time and i keep coming back. Just like an addict.
Anyways i am going to nyc on sunday to hang out with some lowell area rats. I cannot wait. Time away from RI is time well spent. Some friends of mine who i haven't seen or talked to in God knows how long called me up yesterday. They(she) asked me what i am doing on some totally random day in April. I said ????? Its April...I don't know WTF i am doing tommorrow...anyways she asked me if i wanted to go to Green day at the Verizon center in ManchesterNH. I said i'm Game.so that was a breath of fresh air... There is also a Tiger army show in boston at the Axis, so april should be a pretty interesting month Nevatheless.yes yes yes....anyways i am on the rebound even though i should stay away from girls and focus on my school/edu. I met a girl last week who lives in Conn. She is a cutie. So we will see how this turns out. The only thing that sucks about now is i really am attracted to my Ex girlfriend and i have to see her everyday and it kills me inside, and she must know. She holds a power ova me i will neva be able to control or understand. I wish i neva seen her face.......