I see you sitting next to me so quite and diligently

My mind is racing and I pick words that don't make sense to me.

You seem confused and don't think anything of me so you get up

I talk some more but lose control, my thoughts are sporadic and I'm not charismatic and so I try something drastic but my mouth is full of...
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I want to go back to times that are simpler .

To racing toy cars and see who is quicker.

I want to go back to before things were new.

To sitting in class and playing with glue.

I want to go back before hope was dead.

To dreaming a faithful future in my head.

I want to stop fearing my present and future....


While you laugh with friends, I put a gun in my mouth.

While you hug your love ones, I heard the click of an empty chamber.

While you sleep soundly, I have the relief of dodging a bullet.

And while you hide in your shade, I dance in my rain.


I've been single for almost a year now and I have some ups and downs.

First is the Pros!

1 I do love the freedom to do what I want, like go to the bar, stay in and relax or take a few extra shifts at work and not have to worry about someone who doesn't want to/wants to do something else.

2 I aslo...
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That all makes a lot of sense! Both being single and in a relationship have their pros and cons... I'd definitely say the cuddling is the best bit of a relationship, as great as sex is :')