This is going to be a boring blog entry about IT.

Sweet titty-fucking Christ, I recently switched to Windows 7 on my media centre PC having been using Ubuntu almost exclusively across all machines for the last five years. The only reason I changed was so that I could actually access the lovefilm service included in the subscription for which I am paying. I use...
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What a fucking night.

24 hour shifts are fun, after about eight in the evening they quieten down and I can generally hangout with the A&E staff and eat their biscuits. Last night was none of this, although there were biscuits. I have had 3 1/2 hours sleep and spent most of the night waiting for a really uncommunicative doctor to let me know what...
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Well that has been a fortnight filled with what-the-fuck.

It all started with reading Adria's blog about her EDS diagnosis. Being a registered healthcare professional I know the dangers of internet self diagnosis but one video didn't so much as ring a bell as set off Westminster Abbey. Having sufficiently scared the shit out of myself I went to my GP, who was able...
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