Sometimes, what you see is what you get. Other times, its an absolute nightmare, or a hidden gem. Never judge by the cover, and be weary of what other people say.


The photo shoot I did last week was accepted for m.r., so in about 4 months I'll post the link and y'all can see my work. 😊 Super excited😆


I woke up this morning craving Indian Fry Bread, so now I'm covered in flour, hands all gunky with dough, and made some delicious honey butter to top it off. Usually I do a cinnamon sugar for breakfast but decided to switch it up. I used to make this for all my neighbors, just stand in the kitchen all day, making fry bread.


I'm playing around with the camera, and getting ready to shoot a few sets. My model is smokin hot🔥, so I'm sure this is going to be amazing.


This weekend I'll be shooting a few sets to be submitted to s.g. So far my photo skills are good, but this is an exciting move. Here's to doing the things we love in life.

Have fun!