I am not a young man anymore. This is a mantra that I find myself repeating today after a night out with long-time friends. As I traverse the years one blending into the next I find myself nostalgic for certain past experiences. Maybe it is the newness, freshness of these experiences that cause one to remember fondly "a night out on the town." These days...
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good for you! That happened to me when I became a mommy...well not in the same sense, but something similar. I've never been a big drinker nor have I been into the bar scene( to be perfectly honest, they scare me a bit).
Its not even the bar per se. It could have been any activity that reminds yourself that age is slowly slipping past you. For myself it was just a catalyst moment in that scenario. I suppose it could have easily just been being more bruised and achy after a day rock climbing or any other activity that reminds your body that age has its consequences.
It began with the fear of disappointing her, but has quickly turned into the fear of her growing tired of me. The reason I have never had a real, meaningful relationship has been obvious to me for quite some time, although not something Ive been able to easily explain. Usually by my age, one has had at least a few experiences that resembled love, or...
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