Fall's first significant cold front arrived last night. My initial thought was to call it the first cold front of the winter, but that isn't exactly correct. Winter doesn't begin until December 21st. There was a brief period of time when the weather was close to perfect. Just cool enough, but not cold, and just warm enough, but not hot. I am glad that the...
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With the election over I find that I have considerably more free time on the weekends. I hardly knew what to do with myself. Plenty of chores, for a start; I hadn't cleaned my kitchen, really cleaned it, since August. I watched a few movies, read for a bit, made a meal. I managed to fill the time, but the real difference was that I...
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Saturday night I went to see my best friend's girlfriend play with the symphony. She's not a professional musician but she's still very good. What really stood out to me was that, during the performance, all of our phones were off, and all we did was sit in the audience and quietly listen to the music. What a novel idea! There were times when I...
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From time to time when I walk my dog she'll encounter a smell that just absolutely entrances her, and when we arrive at one of those spots all progress ceases for at least thirty seconds. In those moments I find myself wondering what she perceives with her sense of smell in that particular area. And then I start to think about all the other things...
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When did people start saying "That's on me" instead "That was my fault"? I've heard this a lot on Daredevil, and now that I'm paying attention to it, I hear it fairly frequently when I listen to people talk. I don't like this. Just say that something is your fault.


This is one of the those days where my desire to maintain a regular journal runs into the brick wall of not having anything meaningful to say. I'd hate to be reduced to talking about the weather. Although, that does bring up a somewhat related topic. It's been raining in my town quite a bit, much more than is typical, and when I go to...
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One thing that consistently irritates me about the Marvel superhero series on Netflix is how none of the writers seem to be able to portray the characters doing their jobs correctly. Quick example: in episode 6 of season 3 of Daredevil, a federal agent visits Foggy Nelson, the best friend of series protagonist Matt Murdock/Daredevil. The federal agent asks Nelson some questions about his relationship...
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I might have already mentioned this before in an earlier entry, so forgive me if this is repetitive, but I don't have time to go through all my journal entries. Also, this is my journal, and I'll write as I please, and if you don't like it you can pound sand. With that out of the way, I think every straight man should use Grindr....
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At a funeral today I had a chance to talk with a guy I knew in high school but haven't seen for fifteen years. Time has changed us both in very similar ways. For instance, neither of us particularly care about our birthdays anymore; if you ask me what I want to do for my birthday, my answer will be that I don't know. At...
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The first dog whose death I can remember was Ruby. She was a catahoula, on the larger side, perhaps 75 or 80 pounds. There had been pets that died before Ruby, but I must have been too young to have formed definite memories of them. Reaching back into my memory now, I can't even clearly recall how old I was when we euthanized Ruby and...
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I like pets and small children. I think it's because they're relatively uncomplicated. Not that either of them are simple; even the stupidest dog is incredibly complex, biologically speaking. But when a child wants something, in my experience they simply tell you, or demand it, which is effectively the same thing. And really, there aren't that many things that children actually want. They want to...
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I have a difficult time telling people what sort of music I like to listen to. It really depends on my mood. Some days I am in the mood for AC/DC, others for Big Daddy Kane, others for Dusty Springfield, others for Gustav Holst. I typically tell people that I tend to like anything with a fat bounce; some people understand what I mean and...
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