One thing I enjoy about the kink scene is that it is fairly small and you can track people's romances with relative ease. If you pay attention, you can see the ways in which people lie to themselves. For instance, I frequently see who people who claim that they are looking for "friends;" certainly they sincerely believe it, but it simply isn't true. It's quite...
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I concluded that a beard just isn't for me. Despite not particularly enjoying shaving, the discomfort of the itchiness of the beard outweighed my inherent laziness. As an aside, Beard Buddies would be a fantastic gay pornography series.


I tend to find debates about free will or fate to be a bit silly, because in all my life I have never heard of a single person who excused the actions of another person by attributing their acts to fate. Whether we believe that people are free to choose to their actions or not, we treat them like they are. Of course, nobody ever...
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I read an Ezra Klein article earlier today about Paul Ryan. The content didn't surprise me: Ryan lied about his objectives, Republicans have no principles, yadda, yadda, yadda. What occurred to me, midway through the article, was the question of why on Earth anyone would ever have believed Ryan in the first place. To begin with, he is, first, last, and always, a politician. I...
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Dating when you have kinks is an interesting experience because there are multiple opportunities to be disappointed. I've gone a few dates with a girl over the past several weeks, and because I met her in person there was no pre-screening the way you would get with a dating website or an application on a smartphone. (By the way, I'm developing a real hatred for...
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Firestarter: the least essential film in the extremely inessential career of Drew Barrymore.

When people drive too close behind me, sometimes I wish that they would hit me and be horribly injured, while I would get a new car because I have insurance.

We built houses to get away from the wild animals. Then we domesticated the animals and brought them into the houses. Might...
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As soon as someone asks me what my Myers-Briggs type is, I know not to take them seriously and that I won't like them.

If you have post-traumatic stress disorder, but you can't name a traumatic incident that causes your stress, you do not have post-traumatic stress disorder. You have a generalized anxiety disorder. I sympathize with your plight, but they are not the same...
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If people thought of their potential romantic relationships as potential sources of chaos and disorder, I think they'd be a lot more hesitant about what kinds of people they get involved with.

Most people are lying to themselves, although they think they're telling the truth. I'm no different, which is why I listen to my mother, especially when she tells me things about myself that...
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I had an interesting encounter several days ago. A woman liked my profile on OKCupid; of course, heaven forbid she should actually write a message to me. Despite all their caterwauling about gender equality, even when given the opportunity to make the first move the vast majority won't, despite the clear indication of interest. But leaving that aside, I recognized this woman from her FetLife...
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sometimes I hesitate to write first🤷🏼‍♀️
@marykitten then you get stuck with the people who are willing to approach you, and most of them will turn out to be garbage. Go after the things and people you want!

I recently read something on another website. I'm going to quote what I think is the most relevant portion and then unpack it a bit.

"When someone puts their body on display and doesn't ask for your opinion on their weight, shape, size, etc, keep your opinion to yourself. Just don't be a dick. It's that simple."

It's the first sentence that really draws my...
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I think part of the reason why I feel such a consistent malaise is that, for as much as I enjoy structure and order, I am not actually all that good at imposing it on myself. I typically don't like the way I feel when I'm unstructured, but that apparently isn't enough to force me to impose a structure on myself. It's an interesting dilemma.


In reading Marx's Capital I encountered an idea that I found very personally evocative. In Volume 2 Marx spends quite a bit of time analyzing the concept of fixed capital, things such as factories, machine, ports, warehouses and the like. In fixed capital, Marx sees one of the contradictions endemic to capitalism as a whole; capitalism is a process that thrives, in fact really only...
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