Got all smashing on 4th of July, skipped one plan for another. Kept trying to find a restaurant that was open and failing. Then I got hit with cramps and went home to spend the night curled up in a ball on the couch.
Fell asleep in my hair and makeup and woke up pretty much still all in tact:
Above posted to my istagram :sugargraves
After having an emotionally hard morning Sam n I spent the rest of the day at the Brooklyn Zoo then aid out tanning on the roof until the sun went down.
Think I got a smidge of color, go me.

Fell asleep in my hair and makeup and woke up pretty much still all in tact:

Above posted to my istagram :sugargraves
After having an emotionally hard morning Sam n I spent the rest of the day at the Brooklyn Zoo then aid out tanning on the roof until the sun went down.
Think I got a smidge of color, go me.
very pretty Jess
I hide from the sun. but sounds adventurous if nothing else. I slept till 8pm on the forth then went to a rooftop BBQ just a few floors away on a roof. 360 view of fire works and jello wrestleing and magic tea and joints. it was relaxing and nice.... wait no the jello wrestling happened night before but you know.... same few days.