Things that are unrad

girls who wear tights without a shirt/dress that covers their whosie-whatsit. Im sorry but there is nothing attractive about being exposed to your camel toe like youre an ape in heat. Put that stuff away, and Ill discover it if you let me for myself later.
Im young. I feel very, very old. I feel like I have experienced everything there is to experience. im immune to feeling excited or happy over anything. Ive folded my aspirations away, I dont write goals because I dont need that disappointment on top of my already disappointing life. No one cares what I have to say. I don't feel anything for my brothers and...
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Amazing how grimly we hold on to our misery, the energy we burn fueling our anger. Amazing how one moment, we can be snarling like a beast, then a few moments later, forgetting what or why. Not hours of this, or days, or months, or years of this... But decades. Lifetimes completely used up, given over to the pettiest rancor and hatred. Finally, there is...
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You know, when I was a kid, I used to write the word 'naked' hundreds of times on a piece of paper, and then rub my face in it.
When did you start & how did it make you feel?
I never did that. Was quoting Jeff Murdoch from a U.K. show called Coupling.
There was a fat girl sitting alone at my favorite Irish bar Tuesday night. She was trying to talk to the bartender, who like the rest of the men were ignoring her, the fat girl had on a lot of makeup on as she was sipping a Diet Coke with a straw and wearing purple Calvin Klein jeans and matching cowboy boots. The bartender wasnt...
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Titanic: The first Zombie outbreak!

This is my idea for another movie/novel/comic along these lines!

Basically the Titanic wasn't only carrying passengers, it also was transporting top secret cargo captured from the German Empire and being transferred to America for further testing. The cargo? A zombie!

Well naturally the Zombie breaks out, and starts infecting the lower decks' crew and 3rd class passengers.

So at...
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The good thing about getting over depression is, well, you can start to see your enemies more clearly. Suddenly, everyone isn't an obstacle, just some people are, and it might be someone who is in your bloodline, distant and as brown as their skin may be, they still are a part of you. I'm not saying this from a personal experience, I'm just saying in...
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Unable to sleep, writhing on my futon, my head feeling like someone has lit a bonfire on it, in it, a constant searing pain that keeps both eyes open, utterly helpless. There are no drugs, no food, no liquor that can appease the forcefulness of this greedy pain. All my muscles are stiff, all my nerves burning, on fire.
That's pretty much what I'm doing. Honestly, I'm not hitting on any girls at this moment.
But a man still wants sex... Doh
I wouldn't know where to go and how to go about that
The Phoenix zoo seems empty, devoid of life. The Polar bears look stained and drugged. A crocodile floats morosely in an oily makeshift pond. The puffins stare sadly from their glass cage. Toucans beaks as sharp as Knives. The seals stupidly dive off rocks into swirling black water, barking mindlessly. The zookepers feed them dead fish. A crowd gathers around the tank, mostly adults, a...
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So there is going to be a Metal Gear Solid 5.