Hello dolls!
So i thought id stop by for a quick update. i had a job interview the other day at forever 21 n it went extremely well. it was a group interview so ill find out by tomarrow if i got the job or not....cross ur fingers! its of coarse not my ideal job, but im trying to slowly but surely get out of the whole stripping game...its gettinmg old. it got old like 1 year ago lol.
in other news, im soooo excited cus in 2 weeks in getting started on finishing my sleeve!!! im getting it done with an awesome artist and i cant wait! im only getting the outline n black shading done this round, but itll be finished full color within a month! im getting Big Ben in London and a bunch of crows, with treasures n jewels under it, kind of a whole from rags to riches over time type of theme. im sure il have pictures as well so ul all see!
besides that just busy busy busy! heres a few pictures from a shoot i recently did.....there is STILL liquid latex on my kitchen floor because of it lol

its gorgeous outside! ive been choosing to bbq likie everyday lol. nothing beats ribs!!
dont forget to keep giving love to my 2 sets in review! thanks for getting "Little runaway" past the 500 line! lets keep it going!
<333 Jessemay
"Little Runaway"
"Quiet Time"

So i thought id stop by for a quick update. i had a job interview the other day at forever 21 n it went extremely well. it was a group interview so ill find out by tomarrow if i got the job or not....cross ur fingers! its of coarse not my ideal job, but im trying to slowly but surely get out of the whole stripping game...its gettinmg old. it got old like 1 year ago lol.
in other news, im soooo excited cus in 2 weeks in getting started on finishing my sleeve!!! im getting it done with an awesome artist and i cant wait! im only getting the outline n black shading done this round, but itll be finished full color within a month! im getting Big Ben in London and a bunch of crows, with treasures n jewels under it, kind of a whole from rags to riches over time type of theme. im sure il have pictures as well so ul all see!
besides that just busy busy busy! heres a few pictures from a shoot i recently did.....there is STILL liquid latex on my kitchen floor because of it lol

its gorgeous outside! ive been choosing to bbq likie everyday lol. nothing beats ribs!!
dont forget to keep giving love to my 2 sets in review! thanks for getting "Little runaway" past the 500 line! lets keep it going!

<333 Jessemay
"Little Runaway"

"Quiet Time"

Try and have a good weekend!!
dam, hot photos!! you're so lucky, you suit
dark hair and blonde hair