i'm slightly better. wink
my eyes are watering shocked

i forgot a few days ago i lost my favorite wallet. i was leaving starbucks by U of O and i was heading to the hospital to see my mom and some whee in between it left me. eeek

anyways... sometime next week maybe my friend matt is going to be moving in with me, hes going to be...
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hey new buddie...I wasn't expecting a comment little own a friend request...my lucky day...people on my friends list don't even read what I have to say so +1 you for being my friend
i'm sick. i'm cold. i'm tired. i'm annoyed.... skull
You sound lovely! I'm drunk tonight and I feel great! so of course.... I hope that EVERYONE feels the same!
Poor baby. You need some loven. wink kiss
ah. being home and online.

my friend matt stayed with me from last friday til this past tuesday. we had alot of fun. and hes prolly moving in with me while i go get a job hes going to babysit tatum for me.

it will be awesome to have a friend living with me again.

tim was pretty upset with me tho that me and...
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I always share a bed too. Beds are for sleeping too, you know?

Wellll.. Yeah... if I was in a relationship... it wouldn't be ok for me to make out with two different guys. Hahah... I totally made out with Korry before school today. He's so freaking cool!

ive been home for two days. its odd. lol my friend matts is staying with me, its been fun. =)
You better be good. tongue Lets get sore together again. kiss love biggrin
ive home for the first time in like 5 days. its odd.

i had to put my mom in the hospital. yeah good times...
i like your taste in music!!!
Nice use of "bitchslammed" in that previous post.

(hands over an oddly-shaped trophy)

Er, I dropped it - but you get the idea.
hmm. being online is kinda weird when you havent been around much in 4 days. its a weird feeling to type and i forgot about the sounds. hahaha
its been soo good lately. ive been actually truefully happy without the bullshit.
ive smiled more in these last few days then in my entire life. my face hurts and i cant stop laughing at times..

its a fairytale. then i get home today and get bicthslammed by my dad for i dunno what?!

oh well. im still smiling and i cant stop!
Yeah... don't get bitchslammed. No good.

Ha ha... yeah, I like to makeout like a schoolgirl... with another schoolgirl. Ha ha. So... I did that last year sometime with my at the time boyfriend there too. Ha ha... I guess that girl is cute... not my type though. But... then again, when it comes to girls, I'm probably a lot like a guy.

ah. i'm sore. =)
Ha ha... Tim totally told me about you and I think that's super awesome. And I'm more than happy for him because, well, it's great is all. Ha ha.

But yeah, do you feel like such a girl too? I can't help but feel like blushing when I think about this boy, he's super effin' cute too. blush

tonight/just before right now= amazing, and awesome and cuddlerific lol
You sure are! kiss love biggrin
this afternoon/tonight = awesome, rocked, amazing, perfect.

thats all i wanna say about that =D
Hiya I am not from Eugene but meh close enough we have no group for Bendite SG goers as I think there about three of us ...that I know of heh,

(^_^) Well laters....add me to friends if ya want and visit my page if ya have time it isn't anything special though....

[Edited on Dec 04, 2005 12:12AM]
ive got a headache and my brains melting. yay
Well, there is one benefit to the meliting of the brain, no more pesky thoughts to bring you down... hope you feel better soon.