As much as id like to be, im not on Sg that much anymore. i still check out sets and interviews. but all the bloging stuff is saved for my site. its just easer. please check it out. im still fucking with it.Site
I know you! I know you! Are you still at the haugh or did you have to leave like me?

PS- Nice site, I alwasy wished I could be a good photographer. smile
I have earned my windshield. In the biker world that means you have road enough to gain respect and prove you are an actual biker. But in this case, the windshield is a new bike. A Yamaha R6 to be exact. 100mpr in first gear if I play my cards right. And I already paid off my Cannon D20 so the ball is in my...
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happy birthday!
yay! new motorcycle, mine should be out of the shop int he next week, and i got my cast of so i can ride again! hurray! do you know any good rides out here??
Im back on. I got fired from one of my job because I had a SG pic on my desktop. but its all good. I walked away with network passwords and a left a handy portal. I dont expect anyone to know what those are, well passwords are kind of explanatory. But its nice to be back.
Sg will always mean something to me. I...
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I have wanted to do some type of photoshoot for this site for ages.. been trying to talk Phillip in to shooting me...

damn frickin fact that I did not jump on the wagon two years ago when I become a member... yeah though for getting fired for SG, yeah! ARRR!!!
War- wtf is it good for? ive had at least 2 weeks of restless nights, with the constant fear of having to go to iraq. the power to trade one life for another is somthing that i do not deserve.

The us is like the big jock that everyone looked up to in HS. we have more power than any country combined. and its run...
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although your points are rather valid and I am very happy to go with you in support with a "fuck yeah!", you really need to learn how to spell check. Like, not even funny.

You are well informed but the spelling makes you seem uneducated. Just so you know. Welcome to my friends list.

~ the angel* wink

PS - I hope you do not have to go either.
my bad. posted two.

[Edited on Jan 24, 2005 12:18PM]
You lucky, lucky, hicky'd bastard. biggrin
it would be cool if i didnt have a interview tommrow!. but i think i gave her one hehee ARRR!!!
i know no one reads these but it helps to vent.

Nothing scars me anymore, I worked in a morgue for a year and it changed me. But the one thing I fear is that this is it. Our lives is all we have, no heaven, no reincarnation. just this. I do not want to go through the best thing in my existence and not...
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At 91 years old, you should probably get on that. Not much time left.

Is today really your birthday?
na, my b day is in may.
Whats left... Ok, im an agnostic, a vegatarian, in a way im a anarchest, and i hate the public...so what is there to look foward too. the usa is the biggest rapist of the world. walmart is somthing people are proud of. we have more public hummers than the milatary does. the most powerfull man in the would is named after a females nether regions,...
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It's nice to meat you too.

Meet. I meant meet. Shit.

::runs away::
Welcome from a fellow veggie. kiss