So, I got depressed and stupid in Spain, and my month long trip turned into 6 days followed by a week in the hospital. Now I'm on meds and can't sleep, and am on indefinite leave from work until I can see a psychiatrist back home. What fun!
I don't believe in love at first sight. I believe in lust at first sight. But, I do believe in love at first listen. It's happened to me a few times, most recently this Monday night. Granted, I'd been drinking, and the girl was cute as hell, but she was also funny and smart. Unfortunately, she has a boyfriend, and is a lot younger than...
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So, about three years ago my friend and I decided we wanted to go to Las Vegas. Unfortunately, he didn't have a job so he couldn't afford it. After he got a job, he was working so much he didn't have the time. But, he found out last Friday that he gets the whole first week of January off. I put in for that week...
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I put my cats up for adoption yesterday. It's something I've been thinking about doing for a while. I'm a horrible "father," with my lack of patience and hardly ever being home. They're good cats, so I really hope they get adopted by someone better equipped to take care of them than I was. I will miss them, though frown
I hate the cold. I only moved to Wisconsin because I was offered a job I couldn't pass up. It snowed for the first time yesterday. And it's like 24 degrees out now. I called in "sick" because I didn't want to go outside. But, I'm doing my best friend a "favor" and picking his girlfriend up from the airport in 3 hours. After that,...
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I played "body jewelry connection" with a stripper. Best. Thanksgiving. Ever. I always wanted to get out of Michigan, and I did, but now I have a great time whenever I go back. Unfortunately, I can't stay. The economy there is horrible, and there are definitely no software engineering jobs. I make great money here in Milwaukee, but I I really don't have much fun....
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So, Chat got me hungry for taquitos. I went to Walgreens, and they were out. But, it was not a total loss. There were actually cute girls there for once. And then Feliz Navidad was playing on the radio when I left. I normally don't like Christmas songs, but that one always makes me happy. Then, as I drove passed the bar that I live...
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So, I still need to clean my apartment. I haven't had anyone over since Easter, and that only happened because my best friend and I got really drunk at the bar down the road and I wouldn't let him drive home, so we ended up playing Rock Band 2 until he sobered up. I'm wasting tons of money on this place. It's convenient, quiet, and...
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So, it was my ex's birthday on Tuesday. I haven't seen or talked to her since mid-November of last year, and I've hated her since then. I don't know why, but all my anger went away Wednesday. I just don't care about it anymore. I'm ready to move on. Unfortunately, I don't really know how to do that.