So apparently the credit card I was using to pay for this account expired, so my account went gray for several hours.
Relax, here I am. You can stop your wailing and moaning now.
Because I'm sure there was much panic and consternation if anyone saw my name in gray.
Relax, here I am. You can stop your wailing and moaning now.
Because I'm sure there was much panic and consternation if anyone saw my name in gray.

(I also thought it was funny he mentions feeding animals in the zoo; I thought that was illegal.)
Ween did a great version of "Comfortably Numb" as The Jimmy Wilson Group. This is a name they use for all-covers shows they do. They also did a decent "Sultans of Swing." They're a band with a LOT of range... their "Comfortably Numb" is slow, weary, long, and (okay, I'm being redundant) great.
"Comfortably Numb" became one of my least fave songs for a while at college because this radio station I liked used to play it -every- day, -every- day. I came to cringe at it's opening slide-notes... but the Ween version made me love the song again.
Also, that "Syd Barrett" argument on the Thread- egad. of course, there were a couple killer songs. "Lucifer Sam" is a great garage rock song. "Astronomy Domine."