I am home from rehab. I am very exhausted but I'm back, there is so much to tell. Coming sooon.
P.S. I feel great! biggrin
I've been out of town for the past week so I'm sorry if I have missed anything important, if I did you can tell me what I missed.

I'm glad that rehab went well and I'm glad you feel great.

I am very drunk and have been for along time. I am volunteering myself into a rehab program as suggested by a friend. I have no control over my drinking and it is time to do something about it.
Oh, yeah, one more thing...Colin is in Amsterdam right now. I bet he is having a blast. Sadly, he is not doing anything that we consider illegal here. ::sigh:: And I had such "high" hopes for that boy, LOL.
i hope you can get yourself better.
i have a serious drinking problem and I need help.
well maybe you need to say something to your friends and family, they will be the people who will be there for you and help you to kick your problem.
I hear that's the first step; admitting there's a problem. Colin had mentioned that you REALLY like to drink. Well, I wish you the best of luck. smile
Update time: I moved this past weekend and I figured it's about time to post in ye olde blog. If you have read any of my previous postings on here you know that my apartment was robbed back in July of 2007. I never got any of my things back, which really sucks. Things had begun to get worse and worse. I talked with a...
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So it's been awhile since I have been on SG. I have been out of Florida for over 2 months now. Anyways It's good to be back. Chicago sucks really bad, glad to be out of there. Colorado is beautiful but fucking cold and skiing is not as easy as it looks. I must say that an all expense paid trip is not so bad....
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Well he left like a day or two after I put that journal up.

Why were you out of Florida? Why didn't you like Chicago? I thought about moving there one day. A free trip would be so nice. What is a CSR?

I have AT&T, I didn't know about that service. What is this, is it just like a phone book?

What's missing from your life, hun?
All I can say is Guinness love
Well if you like dark beer then if you can find dark star porter by the bluegrass brewing company then you should try it.
There are a few in my previous blog - still waiting on Colin to give me the rest of them. smile
I am so happy right now! Guess what came in the mail today. Yup you guessed it, my new computer and this thing is super duper pimptastic. If you want to see what this beauty looks like check it out. It's a Dell XPS M2010.
On Dell's website it is also know as " The SHOWSTOPPER"

I have the feeling I am going to...
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damn that is super nice, I'm more of an apple guy, but that thing looks super cool.
He is a nice guy. I just don't think he's the man for me, especially at this point in time in my life. I know that he loves me. But like I told him...no one that I loved ever stayed with me that didn't want to stay. When someone wanted to leave, they dropped me like a bad habit and were like "Peace out!" No one ever just stayed because they felt like they had an obligation.

I think he honestly expects me to stay with him - whether I love him or not. I think he would rather be in a relationship with me and know that I don't love him than to not have me in his life at all.

I still care about him; I just need to not talk to him so much. For example, I want to get some tattoo work done, and he offered to go with me because he knows what to look for in a shop - cleanliness and regulations and licenses posted on the wall and so on.

It turned into him looking at the artist's work online (all of the artists) at the place I'd picked - one of the best tattoo places here in the Central Florida area (Trinity, in Longwood). He started telling me that this artist's shading sucks, and these lines are bad, and the artwork was shit - all of them. It's like..."arrgh, I just want some vines!" It turned into such an ordeal. I know at least 3 or 4 people who have had work done there, and who know the artists and think they are the best. I mean, this is where most of the SGFL people in Orlando go to get there shit done, and some of the SGs as well (including the lovely Harper).

He told me that he talked to you for a while, and he thought you were really nice - very chill and very easy to talk to. I am glad that you two got along well. I myself would like to meet you at some point. I've talked to you a lot, I now realize, and I couldn't pick you out of a lineup if I had to - I've never seen a pic of you. You should put one up sometime. It's nice to see who you're talking to. biggrin
Sometimes you just need a day off from work. I am playing hookey today. Once in awhile you need to take those sick days if you havent used them. wink
i've missed so many days at my job that if i miss one more i will get Suspended. i hope you have a good day off.