It's 2006. Christmas was good. I got lots of cool video games for my NES. Super Mario Bros. 2, Lifeforce, Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest, The Legend of Zelda, and Metroid. Also Kronk's New Groove and a new bottle of cologne (Very Sexy for men). I got all that from Sarah. I got a PSP and three games from my mom. I got a but load...
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At least he wore socks, I think its so gross when old guys think thats cool puke
Sorry about the lack of updates eveyone. I still don't have the internet cause I'm a poor fucking bum.

Sorry I missed your SGDFW party cicatrix, if I had checked my SG account in time I would have totally been there. But there will be other parties...right?

The new job kicks so much ass its crazy.

Lets all party sometime soon. My liver feels to...
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Greetings from Tennessee.

I'll be here till thursday the 1st.

Everyone be naughty-fuck santa and his gay ass rules. If your naughty I'll get you a present. Santa gets you gay crap anyways.

I got hired at Lewisville P.D. --- Kick Ass

Have a safe turkey day weekend. Hold on to your automobiles!
Congrats on the job!!!

I agree Fuck Santa! I buy my self better gifts than santa.
Almost forgot, SGDFW Christmas party at my house next Friday.
Well Shreveport was a bust. But fun. I dropped 60 bucks, but Daniel left with +30 bucks. We ate at Ruby Tuesdays afterwards (which is the best fucking place to eat in the entire fucking world). We have a ton in Tennessee, but as far as I know their are only two in Texas. One is shreveport and one just outside dallas. I the the...
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I think Grapvine has a Ruby Tues.

I stole two virgins back in high school and they both still call me once a month. I recommed running as fast as you can from virgins.

I hope you wear a helment at work blackeyed biggrin

Later kiss jenn
Heya everyone...

I hate not having the internet. It's sad how dependent I am on the stupid thing. All my bill paying...all my shopping...contact with alot of my friends. If I'm this needy just imagine how dependent the children I'm not going to have will be. Good thing I'm not having them smile

I had an interview today with the Lewisville police department today (finally...a month...
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I would so wanna kick your ass if I was one of those workerss at TRA. Good luck Shreveport, bet on 17 for me biggrin
Sorry for the lack of updates kids...here's a fresh one for you.

I've been in class for the last three days. "Basic Wastewater Operations" I take my test to get my "D" License on November 9th and it will cost me 90 bucks which TRA will reinverse me for. It's been a fairly interesting class. For instance Ammonia (NH3) is present in domestic wastewater and...
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Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guys should rock what ever accessories they want to!
happy birthday, brother
Hello all...sorry for my lack of updating. I still don't have internet and my friends internet hasn't been working, so I've had no one to mooch off of.

But, his internet is working again, so I'm back online, though it would be nice to have my own internet...

I watched High Tension last night and it was so bad ass...one of my new favorites for...
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umm the female vag was made specificly to accomodate a human baby passing thru it. confused Girls are soo bizarre. Good luck tonight.
Thanks for all the support everyone. You girls totally kick ass. I love ya'll smile

It's been exaxctly one week since my interview and no word yet. But Capt. Cobb said it would probably be two weeks before he would be ready to hire anyone, so I'm not beat yet...

I love my new apartment...it's so cute. I just wish I had money so I could...
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you definately should make cool things instead of just buying them..
check out some DIY stuff.. theres even a group on here for it..
thats what i plan on doing if i ever get to move outta my mommies house lol kiss

congrats tho! ♥
---I totally rocked out the interview with the Lewisville Police Dept. It was the best interview I've ever had. Imagine this...you're sitting at a large conference table. There is a police captain in front of you and two uniformed police officers on either side of him...all asking you questions...the interview lasts about 30 minutes...I'm sitting there talking my head off and getting SO thirsty...Captain Dan...
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That sounds Awesome! I have total respect for cops. My brother was a cop for about 7 years and I know he loved most of it. Best of Luck to ya!
Good luck! I hope things open up for ya, but if they dont, don't get dicouraged-something better might be waiting!
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Here's the news.

~Didn't get fired. [big sigh of relief]

~Money is incredibly tight right now...October is going to be a rough week for me.

~I moved into my new apartment early. I got all of october for free, but I still have to pay my half of rent for october at my old place...so it balances out...
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wow, a lot is going on in your life right now! Hang in there, without the low points in life there are no high points.
i feel shitty lately too. i need a new job. good luck hun! kiss