Things have been weird and a little painful. I've had a tooth ache for several days, my dentist appointment on Tuesday will hopefully clear it up and fix the rest of my dental issues....

Work.... what can I say, nothing really I had a manager verbally attack me and my department in the middle of the open administration office last week. I reported the incident...
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My take on the New Math CD, huh? Well, it is much "gothier" than anything I usually listen to, but I really like it. A lot of it sounds like it should be on a movie soundtrack...of course, Love Under Will was, wasn't it? Oh, Johnny On Top makes me think of People Who Died, and that's a good thing. Oh, duh....I'm looking over the liner notes and it says that was directly influenced by People Who Died. I guess that explains why it sounds that way, huh?
Over all, I'd say it's a good disk, great for certain moods or occasions, thanks very much for including it!
is the work situation any better?
I used to write letters to punk zines like Flipside, MRR and Hitlist reminding readers that it was important to order records directly from bands and small labels. I made sure that I ordered a couple of things each month, often times finding gems and sometimes finding standard stuff. The number of time I got burned? once maybe twice.

Now were in the age of...
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aw, I have wit?
i'm not sure if i have mentioned this band to you, but rykarda parasol is a very small band in the south that's just seeming to get a little bit of bearing down there. they're playing sxsw in march, and i loves them immensely.
It's that time of the year when people look back and talk about the best and the top 10 and all of that stuff about pop culture from the past year.... and I dig that, only this year I can't think of 10 movies, 10 book and 10 albums that resonated with me. Sure there was plenty of good stuff, Supersize me, End of the...
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OK, the favorites for me were New Math, The Tallboys, Mourning Noise, and the Coffin Shakers. At least as far as the stuff I hadn't heard. I enjoyed the tracks from Riot Squad and The Spooky a lot, but I already love those guys. Everything was great, thanks so much!
Tonight is the work holiday party... but I have to spend 8 hours on the job first. I get to open all week so I have to be there at 7 am today, and 7 am each of the next 5 mornings ... I've spent the last week on closings.....Oh well,... on the good side I did apply for a Assistant Manager job with in...
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Curiously searching the boards for mention of my gods on earth, King's X, I see you've mentioned them a few times....fan, eh? They've a new album out in a few months, and Bob willing the message boards will be back up soon at www.kingsxonline.com ...you should drop in and join!
Dherp, I'm an idiot, no wonder your name/familiarity with KX rings a bell-you were the other loud voice in my long since dead King's X thread. Heh. Hello again. smile blush
Sooooo I didn't write anything on my little break from work. I spend several days laying around, not sleeping enough, watching TV, eating all kinds of stuff and not really wanting to go back to work. It's not that work is bad, it's that I just didn't want to deal with it for a while longer.

Still watching DVDs, Finishing up The Wire, starting on...
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nice to see you tonight. i was in a haze. and now am awake again. insomnia is my constant friend...
I'm gonna be out of town this week for the holiday. Hope everyone gets to rest up and all that jazz.

If my brain turns on while I'm away, I'll write something for this journal....

By the way HBO's The Wire is sooooo good... and the Office Special was a masterwork of TV.
TV update to come...

American Dreams: The crime of 3 eye blind playing the Kinks, but it's still a good show...

Lost: anyone else ever daydream about getting stranded on a desert island? where do I sign up

The Wire: Motherfuckin shit, this is the real way that cops talk in major cities and other places.

and more.......
I'm working on this piece for my journal that's a What if [Marvel Comic Geek Alert] Bo Diddly had the influence that Chuck Berry did on Rock and Roll, and the subsequent new history of Rock and Roll, with the Animals, the Troggs, and the Pretty Things as the kings of the Brit Invasion instead of the Beatles/Stones/Who axis, followed by the New York Dolls...
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is this thing on?

[Edited on Nov 09, 2004 8:04PM]
Why isn't there a Dunkin Donuts in the twin cities? Really have people looked around and seen these mid westerners? A dunkin donuts would be a welcome sight to many... Instead we get the lie that is Krispy Kream. These aren't donuts, it's lard with a dusting of flour and sugar deep fried. They melt in your mouth because they are pure lard.... anyway, I...
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there used to be dunkin donuts. and mr. donut which was good too. then all the bagel shops came into town and they went away frown

then krispy kreme came to town. i actually like krispy kreme. but they are not actually donuts in my mind. they are "krispy kremes"

byerly's bakery has good donuts. so does the donut connection...
This new set up is kinda Jinky.... anyway I hate to be a bitch but... I am shocked at the amount of fear in see in people every day. It's like if you make a slight mistake or error in any way your life will be over. I see kids that don't care to dream or think or challenge themselves. I fear for this world,...
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i found myself at ikea again tonight. drank some ligonberry juice, bought a desk at the "as is" and then picked up a couple of comfy chairs too.

i still have a computer for your brother. i've just been so busy i haven't had time to breathe much less actually see or talk to any of my friends. frown

...and i love the far side. my favorites are the god-related ones like where god is about to hit the "smite" key on his computer keyboard, and the one where he's making all the animals to populate the earth and he's rolling a long tube like clay to make snakes and he says "these are a cinch!"
my 2nd favorite Far Side cartoon is one where there is a simple jumble of all of the Far Side stock character s and a little note saying out of order... that's a little how I feel about this journal at the moment......


1) any of you Twin City peps going to see The Zombies and Love this thursday? I plan on going unless...
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DRUNKEN FAR SIDE......yeah-that rules...hope all is well with ya brother...keep the faith