Greetings SG-Land, I hope everyone has been doing well lately. I want to apologize for my lackluster responses & presence in the community in general - I've been dealing with another minor health issue these past couple weeks. In addition to the whole Bipolar-II thing I already wrote about, I've got some physical problems that demand a lot of my attention - to put...
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I'm still really, really trying to get my shit together & be more socially active here but it's not going very well... I could get into all the details of why social anxiety (and anxiety in general) hold me back & keep me from engaging with everyone as much as I'd like to, but I don't want this to turn into a 20 paragraph novella....
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OK, I had wanted to start doing more online here but I've been fighting off a nasty cold/flu thing for about a week & I'm only now starting to clear my head of everything, hopefully. Now the fun part: minor sickness like this is a huge distraction from keeping my more serious health problems in check, so they can kinda run amok on me. Just...
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Beautiful pic andcsuch a pretty pup. Sp sorry for that loss brother. I hope you get to feeling better soon

Wow, thank you so much to everybody for their kind welcoming responses on my 1st post! I'm not used to getting that much of a reaction to anything unless I'm boycotting pants, again. (Yes, that's a fairly obscure "Simpsons" reference - I tend to litter my conversation with random cartoon quotes to help cover for my crippling anxieties. Yeah, #LifeHack, or something...)

So, I probably...
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Kiss Charlie's wet nose from me <3
Thanks @sova! I have delivered your kiss to Charlie & he wants me to send his utmost gratitude to such a very lovely lady. 😋  You made his day. ❤️