Well, yes, but Im afraid I prematurely shot my wad on what was supposed to be a dry run, if you will, so now Im afraid I have something of a mess on my hands.

Arrested Development premiere monday night at 7 MST!!!! ARRR!!!
Which denver celebrity tattoo did you call there are two? I guess it doesent matter they both should have some info ill try and get down there to see whats going on im pretty close to the one around 42nd i believe
Hey! yes i would love to hang out .. i need some new friends and no body hangs out with me anymore since all of this happened.... email me and let me know when you are free ... my email address is drummercedes@yahoo.com or you can just talk to me on here if you want. k well TTYL smile
all finished up now just to keep up every other day or so, I feel for women who have to keep up this everyday at least as a guy i can skip a day or 2 now and then and its not abnormal eeek

met a sweet girl that makes me hot but i was off my game and blew the chance now i'm frown and i...
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day one of the yearly full body shave is complete. I should stick with it year round so I dont have to suffer through 4 days of shaving to get hair free.

I've finally decided the steed for this season:

Blur - XTR DB Kit

runs about 5k so in another few hundred i'll get to pick this baby up for some serious abuse. The...
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It's all an open center
Opens up and lets the wind lift him away
It doesn't have to feel water
It's just a place that feels right with him
Kinda like the way you're breathing
I kinda like the way you keep looking away
Would you like to glide on
Slide a mile six inches at a time on Maynard's dick

There's a shyness found...
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men fucking disgust me in every way shape and form
I dunno what your reasons are, but they agree my own point of view. Kudos.
uh oh - that has either a very good or very bad story. but either way i bet it's interesting.

still wanna join SGColorado? hadn't heard from you so thought i would follow up.
holy matzo balls, I haven't updated here in forever...it's now 2005 and boredom has struck me so here I am...as if you care. I've got hair dye on my noggin at the moment (boring black blehh...not so original but practical) Besides that it's not like my hair can leave the the conformity zone of color where I work at the moment. Which means either black,red,caca...
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I know I don't give enough "props" to my husband for putting up with me. (Anyone who can for more than 5 consecutive minutes deserves an award). I want everybody to know that despite the many arguments and power struggles my husband and I have he is probably the most understanding,strong,patient,loving,funny retarded person I have ever met. He has been through a lot with me...
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Shinedown is playing at 32 Bleu on Friday the 20th. Tickets are $15.00 a piece. Let me know if this would be something to consider as an SG event. Maybe afterwards head to an all night diner and chill or whatever. Until next time...
SGCS Event soon.
ahhh I was watching fight club again for about the 50th time....I haven't seen it in forever though, I love that movie... so many interesting insights in that film. It makes me wonder if such a thing were socially acceptable and legal would people really feel a true sense of enlightenment and be free from stress and needing so much in life? I know that...
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Do you get to wear the hoodie while you code? biggrin ooo aaa ooo aaa ooo aaa
u should join my babes in toyland group HERE! thanks
ahhh I feel like such a beaner today. I keep on bumping into shit ( not a product of insobriety,just my natural clumsiness). Still no luck finding a new job I did apply for some medical billing shit on Saturday but we'll see on that. There really isn't anything too promising right now unless you want to work in fast food or some lame department...
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Looks like it may be Saturday morning, Pikes Perk, about 10:00am. Would that work for you? Will probably also do a meeting at Village Inn on thursday night, around 7:30pm. Whcich one can you make it to? Is there a better time you can think of?
Man, if I were back in the Springs right now I'd join you. Unfortunately I'm in Bosnia for another 65 days (not that I'm counting or anything). I miss the Springs! More importantly I miss my wife and Chipotles!! Good to see a fellow Coloradan on SG though!

you know that old Agent Orange song bloodstains?? I can't get it out of my head...at least it's not the song I had stuck in my head the other day (99 problems by Jay-Z) shit...I heard it on the radio in my car when I got it back from being fixed (By the way it looks good as new again Yay!!) and I couldn't get...
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okay so I'm still alive just haven't been online in forever...I took my new car into the freakin body shop today to be repaired because I hit a deer!! I would like to think of myself as not being like the typical female driver...but after that incident I'm not so sure. Granted it was late at night and I was tired as hell from work...
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So I just got home from a jog thingy with my dog and out of nowhere thoughts of Brini Maxwell enter my mind. I am perplexed as to whether it's a male or female or both...others insist she/he is pure male just dressed up in drag but I'm not sure. Either way, Brini has nifty style just like Eva Gabor and can throw a smart...
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little snot nosed kids perturb me, especially when they decide not to be a snot nosed kid any more, and try to make best friends with your pants leg tongue tongue

get it ..........snot nose.........no more..pants leg.........aaaaaaaahhhh.. tongue

now if only had a new willy wonka only done in anime style ala Akira Toryami, that woud be hot.

imagine an anime oompa loompa,
You should join SG Colorado. Yep.