We sure do! Over the weekend, Lady Saystine and I were feeling a bit melancholy about not being able to go to Labyrinth Masquerade Ball!, so I decided to put together this video that I really should have done two years ago, my bad. But thanks to my laziness, we can now reminisce about the past and dream about the future. #LabyrinthOfJareth

Great video! U wore a mask before it went mainstream!
@okkatana Yes, thank you for noticing! :)

Travel is not easily achieved this day and age, especially for some pokey countries that have dummies in charge. But with these cool little miniature models, you can close your eyes and picture yourself in your favorite book. Follow us as we do exactly that and visit Minas Morgul from Return of the King of the #LordOfTheRings series! #LotR


Your knight in shining armor returns, and this time he's grinding it out: a new shoulder plate! There's big chip on his shoulder, and he's looking to make it fit better and not bind up! So come get bound up with Lord Xerus!


You lovely ladies love to shake your booties, so here's something to shake it to! It's another dance challenge. This one's from the Barony of Altavia. Enjoy as these envoys of fun dance for your delight to Kenny Loggins "Footloose"!

yeahhh its friday! lets shake

Few things are as satisfying as having nice, frosty beer. Lord Xerus is here to act as your sommelier while discerning between the "fancy ones"! Join him on this fanciful taste test between two "quality" beverages! 21+ only!

I think is the first beer review I see in my life xD

You beautiful ladies know how to keep up your guard, but sometimes you need a stats boost! Lord Xerus to the rescue! In this episode of Lord Xerus Does Stuff: A GENT OF SHIELDS, the crunk knight shows you how to build your own medieval shield, step by step. Shore up your defenses!


Hello ladies! You work so hard showing us your boobs and tender bits that I, Lord Xerus want to do something for you. Stuck at home, hiding out from the plague with nothing to do? Give those bodacious booties a break and allow the #CrunkKnight to entertain you as I fumble my way through history with comedy and medieval how-to's. Join the fun as I...
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@Avrora you are too kind!
I’m just honest @illustrador44

I made this video to welcome new viewers to my Youtube channel. No matter how hard I tried to contain myself, my secret purpose kept bubbling up to the surface. Is it obvious? Can you tell what I'm really thinking? What's your secret agenda?


Hello my ladies!
I, Lord Xerus have finally #CONQUERED... my fear of the lightning filled demon box you call a computer and created my own page on the #BookOfFaces. Now that I'm #MediaSaavy, just went on a #podcast. Who better to interview me than that inter-dimensional robot from the distant future, The Incorrigible Mr. Zeppo? We talk armor, the SCA,...
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If anything goes together, it's medieval knights and chemistry! Did I say go together? I mean, if anything DOES NOT go together, it's knights and witchcraft... I mean science. Either way, join the Crunk Knight as he explores a low-rent version of alchemy as he attempts to turn a steel shield boss into gold (or let's face it, brass) in the laziest ways possible. Fantastic...
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A while back, Lord Xerus Kickstarted a new game by Richard Garriott, the guy that created the Ultima Games. Watch him as he opens the package he received from the publisher, Portalarium.


Have you ever wanted your steel to look like brass? Lord Xerus does, and so he ordered a kit to make it happen. In this video he unboxes the package as well as a package for the Battle Dog.