
i stand before you a mere shadow of what used to be a man reduced to a resident of Neverland but, i asked for this now i want my childhood to return no weed or cigs to burn nothing but play time yet i slay rymes and forget your crimes infantile attention span and an afinity for pointing out all the sins i see....
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it's 11:55 and i ask "am i still alive?" to any one who'll here my words yeah it's too soon to pack a saturday night in but something just happened that'll probably spark the lightnin of some amazing writin and the truth is what i'm fightin and this truth is all too frightnin, still, i'm just lookin for the right thing the love of another...
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i don't doubt that you'd rather deal with some bullshit than go without. without a warm body next to you at sunsetand the fond fading memories of when the two of you first met. but it's meetings and greetings that can choke out and drown the seedlings and cause you to neglect yourself and what your heart's needing and he's kneading you like a baker...
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lonesome and away from what i know. i'm done. i'm threw and i'm over it. just beleive me for a minute and i'll believe it aswell. my hands swell from punching these walls and from all the times i fell and fall onto your situations stopping your feet from throteling my balls. you'd do that wouldn't you?! you'd allow this to occour. you'd allow these...
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fuckin awesome knuckle tatts dude....

like ya taste in guns and knives wish i could have a gun fuckin stupid laws over here
i'm a sad man, but it makes for good poetry. i've been trying to peice out what this is all here for and getting used to understanding i don't have what it takes to stop life from giving me crotch kicks untill my sack breaks. pushing this rock is making my back ache. and my heart aches and my head aches and i wake up...
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more of the same, i'm afraid...
how does one acheive success? how does one gain happiness? how much longer before the end of this human experiment? do we all understand that this is all as temporary as a handjob from a stranger? do i realize that? asking questions is a way for me to feel out for anyone brave/stupid enough to answer. it;s a search...
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don't give up, man. everybody goes through trials and trivulations. all taste mild and spicey libations. meets with calm times and confrontations. you can't run from things that get you down, too many do that waiting for the good shit to come around and meet them on the back swing. it's a time to sing and let the bells ring a celebratory time for celebate...
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here i am again , to who ever is reading this. your man in the stands. a spectator in my own life. i can't beleive what's developed lately. i've had encounters with two females of short stature and reasonable build in the past week alone. great looking, funny, sweet smelling woman that i didn't know would even have anything to do with me. funny how...
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holy shit! saturday night rocked my world. i acctually had a date with a fantastic female and i talked to her and it was so fucking great. we talked for hours. she's a great kisser. she's cute as a button and small as one too. i think i could pick her up with one arm. we drank and played pool and cuddled. don't worry y'all,...
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fuck your happiness! i'm so fuckin' sick of my friends finding there soulmates!!! it's like they all paired off while i was sleeping. it's as if the good ones fall for the bad ones and vice versa. oh jesus, george carlin makes my pants tight. i might be able to aford christmas this year. the next time any of you see a mother take a...
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another week past and gone and wasted. what should be done with this broken viking? i had 2 one hour long sex sessions on tuesday night. good times. then i went for her again, after sunrise, and was shot down. she said i was an animal and that her hips hurt. i was one smilin' mother fucker. how ever she's not miss right and could...
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