So, since November, I've been meaning to write about my thoughts on Prop 8, but things have been so busy, and I just didn't want to get myself all worked up.

Anyway, as I stated in my last entry, the election of Obama does not fill me with the same hope and confidence that it does others, and it's the passage of the indefensible Proposition...
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Tainted victory.

It's been over a month since California took a step back into the Dark Ages, and I haven't calmed down one tiny bit. Sure, America "made history" by electing Obama (whose Cabinet is looking looking disturbingly Clintonian) but I can't help feel this victory to be hollow, as I suspect Americans placed the right vote for the wrong reason. And I still can't...
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Thanks for your nice comments on Oui's set Slow Rhythm!
hiya wink
Yes, I know it's been over five years since I posted to my SG blog. However, since my SG page doesn't have any strong link to my real life, I've realized this is a prime place to express things I don't want anyone I actually know to hear/read.

The other day I found a list of notes I'd made to prepare for a discussion we...
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thank you SO much for that comment on my new set smile you rock
I agre... for this feeling doesn't exist any description... or name...
I hate melancholy... makes me feel sad...

however, have a nice sunday... smile
The following is a total work in progress. I have no idea what the finished product will look like.

Rhythmically roaring, smashing the land, demolishing sand castles, tossing swimmers, and tumbling surfboards, its difficult to imagine her as a comet. Congealed in the Oort Cloud, tugged by Jovian mass into an elliptical solar orbit, her vibrant tail streaks as she nears the sun, glittering, brilliant...
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since this blog was written in 03.. it seems like a long time but it still hasnt lost its meaning... cause i just read it for the first time and i believe thats some decent thinking. thank you the comment on my set. those are some brilliant words. xo
i'd like to know what became of this little piece of writing. i think you were onto something

"Cataclism! were there anyone to care." - very nice.

thanks for the love on language of the birds.. i'm not so sure i deserve so much praise but appreciate it nonetheless <3
"Stay away from women, that's my motto."
"But I can't."
"Neither can I. That's my trouble."

Rowlf and Kermit, "The Muppet Movie"
thanks tons for the advice, it's much appreciated--despite all my reading i still find that the only real advice comes from other writers and people who have gone through similar trials. i'll be definitly checking out the WGA and sim. websites soon! Thanks again!!!!
Thanks for the compliment, man. Was very important to me. Actually, I spent more on getting his books for research than I made off the interview, so... yeah, it was important. Thanks! biggrin