Changes, they are a-comin'.

I guess you'd call 'em changes.
I spent most of my last week at work on the verge of being sick. I've been able to beat back the horrid virus that has been threatening my immune system, but I think my accidental consumption of a dairy product is going to destroy any chances I had at feeling good this week.

In other, better, I went the the Chicago Blues Fest today...
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i'm like that with dairy too. hope you feel better. smile
Quite a bit has happened since I last posted, but I haven't the time to talk about it all right now. Most of it is good though, so that's a welcome change.

Expect a much lengthier update this week.
Nice to meet you Friday night!

I did have a blast on my trip. I'm not ready to go back to work Monday. frown

Okay, where is the lengthier blog post? Don't be a tease.
i promise i won't be crazy on our date, haha. smile
Happy Mother's Day mommas!
Mine is visiting me and has spent the past two days compulsively cleaning an apartment that I already cleaned. I got in the shower to get ready to take her out to the zoo and when I got out, she was mopping my kitchen.
The woman is nuts and cannot relax for a second, but I love her like crazy.
Still trying to find a job. This is getting utterly ridiculous. I've been here for two months and have been searching for something, ANYTHING the entire time.
I'm not the best at looking for a job, I'll admit that, but this is out of hand almost. I know the economy is bad, but how can I not even get a job washing dishes? Are there...
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have you tried any temp agencies? can you file unemployment? don't move to miami before our daaaate!
Going to the PostSecret event at DePaul University tonight. May buy a book and get it signed. Here's to hoping that I don't cry like a little bitch. (I probably will, I happen to be a little bitch.)
i cry every time i read the post secret books. the dog ones and the mom ones always get me.
A quick rundown of things as they are:

-Met a girl.
-Made out for, literally, 6 hours.
-Have a date on Tuesday.
-Saw a giant, inflatable gorilla proclaiming the 40th birthday of one of my neighbors.
-Remembered what it felt like to genuinely like someone and have them show equal interest.
-Ate some tasty chips.
-Was complimented on my ability to kiss.
-Made tons of...
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Thanks. smile
The smell must have been dreadful eeek puke

nice job on the date smile
I hate getting so drunk that you've got to apologize to people the next day. I'm not entirely sure of what I did, because I don't remember much of last night, but that only means that I know I did something I shouldn't have done.
Tonight should be interesting. I'm not sure if this girl is interested in me, but I suppose I'll know by the end of the night.
May the drinking begin!
Happy birthday
Happy Birthday!!!
I don't believe in hell. I don't believe in any sort of higher power, at least not in terms of an intelligent being that created us all. (As anti-superstition as I am, I still believe in fate to a degree.) I don't think that if you're a bad person or a blasphemer you go to a place made of fire and suffering and pain for...
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i don't believe in hell either.
also, i know its hard not to worry about a job but SOMETHING will come around. not too long ago i was in the same spot as you are. it will happen. just think positively. and apply for everythinggggg.

also, good for you on slowly quitting smoking. and veggies are hot.
All those bullet points are good things. smile
I had a great time at the SGChicago meet up last night. Met a ton of people, made quite a few new friends. Overall, good times. I also wanted to say that it really was a pleasure meeting all of you guys last night, can't wait 'til the next meet up.

I'm not even going to talk about the BSG ending. It blew my mind...
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i found you miss new booty? hah.
SGC meet up tomorrow and an XKCD meet up the day after that. Hopefully I'll make some friends and find a job in the next few days.
My obsession with coffee is growing stronger by the day.
Awesome meeting you man. Hope you had a good time smile
It was a pleasure to meet you last night, and I also hope that you had a good time.